An excerpt from Revelations of the Aquarian Age (Inner Traditions)
Sarah began thoughtfully, “The Lost Gospel is a very controversial book because the authors cobbled together a strong argument that Joseph and Aseneth is actually an early Christian text from the early first century when Jesus and Mary were alive. Other established scholars have already successfully argued it is a Christian text, not Jewish, so that idea is not controversial. But, they go way beyond that: they argue that Joseph and Aseneth are stand-ins for Jesus and Mary Magdalene and tell the story of the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their children in this coded manner to protect their love story, because the false model of Jesus was being invented and taking over.”
“As a Patristics scholar,” Sarah continued, “I think they’ve made a very strong case for general readers. If they are right, the implications are astounding because the core message, Mary and Jesus’s secret teaching, is that marital sex is redemptive. That’s a revolutionary and extremely healing message, Claudia.”
Sarah was about to say more, but Claudia was so excited she interrupted her while standing up to go pace by the window.
“I agree, Sarah! Joseph and Aseneth is evocative and deeply sensual,” Claudia said. “Once I read it, I couldn’t erase the images of their love in my mind, and then I saw Armando’s painting of Jesus and Mary. He doesn’t know anything about these symbols, yet that bee came right through him, a symbol for the Magdalene as Artemis.
“Subconsciously, Armando knows about the connection between Artemis, Mary, and the bee. He spends a lot of time in Siena Cathedral where there is a medieval version of Artemis on each side of the Last Supper window high above the front entrance. Artemis stares down at every Christian who comes through the front door. Her goddess presence frames the Last Supper! Mary Magdalene has been right in our faces in Siena Cathedral for 800 years! It’s a medieval joke on the patriarchal fairy story and a great example of how the secret tradition was kept alive in art. But, why?”
Sarah paused for a moment and then jumped back in. “You’re right, Claudia. The early Church fathers were preoccupied with Greek dualism and asceticism, so they recast the sensual Jesus as an unmarried, celibate eunuch. This was outrageous, since the Bible tells us that even Peter was married. They insisted Jesus only appeared to be human, since he was divine. The anti-sex dualists insisted that since Jesus was a real live man and also divine, he had to have been celibate. Time rolled along, people forgot the real story, and eventually priestly celibacy became the basis for the hierarchy — which made Jesus into a wimpy Christ invented by dualistic ascetics who hated women. When Jesus and Mary were alive, the religion of the great goddess Artemis was sensual and deeply sexual. The people loved Artemis, and Mary Magdalene was her priestess. We need the goddess teachings about fertility and sensuality to recover our sanity and protect Earth! That’s why The Lost Gospel is so important, yet dogmatic theologians will try to bury it.”
Claudia came back to sit down, then stood right back up; she was wound up like a tight violin string. “The timing of this translation is something to consider,” she said. “Let’s not leave out Karen King’s 2012 announcement of the fragment that says Mary Magdalene was the wife and disciple of Jesus. Another 2012 breakthrough along with the verification of String Theory and the science of the planetary midline. Assuming these 2012 breakthroughs mean we’re getting somewhere, this new translation and analysis means the religion of the great goddess in harmony with Earth is coming back. This has to happen because the hierarchy’s denial of healthy human sexuality is threatening us with extinction. The Church’s prohibition against birth control alone has created overpopulation, which is strangling nature and human culture.
“And I’ll go even further than that,” Claudia continued excitedly. “Timing reveals all: The Lost Gospel is another big breakthrough at the end of the Mayan Calendar because it reveals what was really happening when Jesus was on Earth as the Age of Pisces arrived. The transition out of Aries into Pisces emphasized human compassion, a force that could end war. The angry judgmental God had to go because Jesus, a god of love, incarnated to experience sacred sexuality. But Yahweh was chosen over Jesus. The Lost Gospel portrays Jesus uniting with the goddess, the resolution for the cosmic separation of Sophia and Lucifer in the Gnostic creation story. That is why the Church crushed the Gnostics, don’t you think?”
Sarah nodded in agreement so Claudia went on.
“The patriarchy completely distorted the image of Jesus as a sexual male who loved the goddess. They castrated Jesus and called Mary a whore, almost aborting the Age of Pisces. But now at the end, we can see that the Age of Pisces began with the sacred cosmic marriage — the secret tradition. We need this story so that both sexes can emulate this ideal in marriage to create sexual harmony to terminate warfare and the denigration of women. Sarah, I’m sorry for talking too much, but I can’t stop myself now that I finally have real love myself!
“Being born a woman was worse than death when men killed for sport, raped for fun, and destroyed sacred sex. It had to change, which is why Jesus incarnated to find Mary. The story of their love and marriage in Joseph and Aseneth is the story of redemption through love and compassion, the essence of the true Piscean Age. That is why Jesus came down from on high–a cosmic miracle. This huge truth finally came out in 2012, and now millions will realize Jesus was a sensual, heterosexual man. Of course, millions already know this from The DaVinci Code and Karen King’s fragment. However, this explicit story in Joseph and Aseneth informs us Jesus and Mary were having sex and celebrating it.”