The 2018 Star Gathering: An Interview with Rev. Janice Hope Gorman


Noted astronomer Carl Sagan famously said, “We are made of star stuff,” and the musician Moby sang, “We are all made of stars.” Yes, we are created from the same elemental particles as stars, but both Sagan and Moby are implying something else, something that many light workers take to heart, that our soul origins come from the stars.

That connection to the galactic community will be the spotlight on June 23-24 when Hope Interfaith Center in Mankato, MN, hosts its first Star Gathering, featuring six noted teachers and spiritual leaders from across the nation who will share their gifts from the Universe.

To learn more about this gathering, The Edge turned to the Rev. Janice Hope Gorman, founder and director of the Hope Interfaith Center and a Certified Oneness Blesser of Deeksha from the Oneness University of India. She was given the name Hope — Help Open Planetary Eyes — by one of her early teachers, and she has since been a spiritual teacher and counselor, activist and promoter of interfaith collaboration and Women of Wisdom.

What inspired the idea of the Star Gathering?
It came from being in direct contact with my guides and my oversoul, and I have spent a lot of time with the six people who have said yes to this experience. I wanted to be able to create a keynote experience versus a keynote speaker and breakout session. What inspired me is knowing that there are wonderful changes taking place on the planet. I know there are a lot of people who are receiving some very valuable information and guidance.

I want to work with the collaboration of other teachers whom I admire and know are coming from a place where they really want to help navigate this planet into peace. I believe the only way we can do that is to move into oneness and work as a collaborative. That’s why I was stimulated to give a call out to these teachers — and they all said yes. Not one of them hesitated.

What is our connection to the stars, from your perspective?
I believe our origins are from the stars. I remember a long time ago when a teacher told me that there are more cells in your body than there are stars in the Milky Way. That always was a wonderful concept for me, because I always would look up into the stars and I would see that Milky Way and see the constellations and that I knew I was part of it and it was part of me.

I think people are now opening up to understanding that there is a Divine equation that we are connected to with this universal language of light that is symbolic in those stars. People are realizing and waking up and bypassing what I call the mental body, the reasoning or the logic. I believe we are receiving at this time an angelic, galactic language, which I call a universal language of light, and we are being told, “Come home, come home, come home to the guidance and information that will bring you to the portal of knowing that were are all interconnected, interrelated and interdependent.”

When you talk about oneness, it seems that perhaps some of us may be more connected to the galactic community with which we share our soul origin than with our human connection. Does one need to come before the other?
That’s a really wonderful question. I do not believe that one needs to come before the other. I believe that when people are connected to the Pleiadian Council or they feel drawn to know more about star systems or they are connected to a certain planet, they are getting information and guidance. That galactic federation, those galactic beings of white light, the Pleiadian Council, they are all speaking the same thing — the universal language of light that directs us to the oneness, and they’re bringing us home, back into knowing again that we are all one family of light.

People are waking up to that, and other people come to it through the understanding of our humanitarianism, through interfaith. I think that they can start there, as well. That also brings them into oneness.

We are all working toward the same goal, however we get there.
Yes, that’s it exactly. I do believe that what I call the Oneness of the spiritual hierarchy has really sent forth light from the highest watchtowers and they are watching Terra and Gaia, calling all the brotherhood, all the sisterhood, from all different languages, all different creeds, all different colors, asking us to be the links to the spiritual hierarchy and to come home to that spiritual hierarchy, to wake up to that.

For those who may be out of the loop, what communication is taking place now between humans and the galactic community?
I believe everyone is receiving certain information that they are supposed to be bringing down to humanity. I believe new frequencies are coming here to help us at this time. I believe people come with their abilities to anchor us in the light, just as we are going to be doing here at Hope Interfaith Center in the Mankato area, to anchor in cities of light.

Other people are able to bring forth a vibrational frequency that helps us shift in consciousness for positive change, for new awareness, for their spiritual gifts to be remembered. I believe that is the communication that we are receiving now to awaken us to our natural gifts and our natural flow and to bring them out upon the planet at this time.

Why is now the right timing for this event?
As we all can see, there is an enormous amount of things happening, and there is an enormous amount of world awakening. Many people might call this many different things. They might call it chaos, and they might call it fear, but what is really happening is a major shift in global consciousness.

When we raise the consciousness of one person, we raise the consciousness of all. That’s how it works in oneness. Our planet needs help to navigate into peace, by disrupting the illusion of separation.

When we move into oneness, and when we move into our humanitarianism, we are disrupting the illusion of separation and then we are moving into our original energetic field of oneness. That’s what happens with the information that is coming down from the Galactic Federation and the beings of white light. They are asking us to remember our frequency and vibration — and that is the key to bringing this planet back into peace and love and harmony.

In the video you produced to promote this event, you said that courage, wisdom and strength is required to do this work. Can you elaborate on that?
It is a weighty issue, is it not? I know that for many people, for the longest of times — this was the evolution of the planet — they were okay with understanding their connection to angels. That took some time, but certainly beautiful beings like Doreen Virtue brought that forth. Then people were very inclusive when it came to spirit guides, for they could understand the whole spirit guide thing and helped remove the illusion of separation related to spirit guides. The spirit guide, to me, is really our oversoul and Higher Self, an aspect of who we are.

When it came to galactic communication and our galactic brothers and sisters, what was missing was this whole keynote energy, the missing link that was and is needed upon our planet to help us fully ascend into oneness. It can be misunderstood and it can be criticized, because many people’s paradigms see it differently than how I see it or perceive it — so it takes a little strength.

As a woman who has been doing this for a long time, it has taken courage and bravery to introduce new perceptions, new concepts, new ways, but it hasn’t been working the way that we’ve been doing it. I have always been looking for the link that is needed to move into oneness, one that is totally 100 percent inclusive of our cosmic brothers and sisters. They are here. They are available to us. This is a dynamic and empowering time to be alive.

For those who will not be able to attend your event, what can people do to become a more collaborative partner between Earth and our galactic community?
There is a universal law called participation — to participate in world peace, to participate in calmness, to participate in equality amongst all races, creeds, colors and backgrounds. I always liked Babaji’s comment that in every neighborhood there should be an ashram, and so I always tell people that if you cannot collaborate or come to this particular Star Gathering, this keynote experience, then perhaps you are being called to be the ashram in your neighborhood, your ashram in your particular community of friends.

At some point we are all called — and perhaps right now people will be saying, “Yes, I’ll be the ashram in my neighborhood for all people to come.” An ashram is a place that is dedicated to hold a sacred space to have groups, classes, education and events to reduce or eventually erase world suffering, and people learn about that by having this worldly awakening that we are love and we can transcend this lower negative ego self when we hold sacred space for each other to come together.

Can you give us a brief comment about each of the six presenters and why you wanted their participation at this event?
Absolutely. The Rev. Kari Chapman [founder of The Namaste Healing and Retreat Center: A Center of Inner Truth in Lake Mills, WI] has been a friend of mine for more than 20 years. She is a teacher with a heart that has been opened. She has dedicated her life to God, to Creator, to Spirit, in service for all life forms on Earth. I asked her specifically to join us, not because of how long I have known here, but for how long she has been dedicated to her work to doing this. She has had unique life experiences that have given her wisdom, strength and courage to help others in their understanding of their own life journey. Kari has been around the world anchoring cities of light and she has said for the longest time that Mankato has been ready to have a city of light anchored over this area. She instantly said yes.

Another presenter is Shirley Bolstok from Colorado. A student of Kari Chapman, Shirley receives equations that demand the recognition of the genius inside of us. When she says these equations, their vibrations match the vibrational frequency of each of us, and we then have a feeling of this great shift. I asked Shirley B. to present because I have experienced the equations with her. I had the number 8 activation, which she received from the galactic universities. It helps kick out the illusion and it brings in what I call a daily Divine manifestation. It gives control back to our lives at a conscious level. Shirley is currently receiving attunements, activations, and she will be specifically using them here at the Star Gathering.

The next person I invited, and received a yes without a blink of an eye, was Caroline Oceana Ryan. The first time that I had Caroline on my Pure Hope Show on Blog Talk Radio, I could instantly feel the openness of her heart. She is going to be speaking about the need to support and nourish the new Earth children and the new Crystalline Earth beings. Her specialty at this particular event will be about helping us find ways to nourish those children who are coming to Earth. She is phenomenal in her ability to speak in a way so everyone can hear and really ingest what she is saying.

The next person I invited is someone I am so incredibly excited about — Garrett Duncan. Garrett was born and raised on a Navajo reservation, and he is a member of many traditions of Native Americans. He has received activations in star language. At the event, he will teach us to tone the vowels. According to the star elders, the vowels stand for acceptance, energy, inspiration, outcome and unification. Garrett is one of the beautiful beings on this planet who is so gifted that he is able to connect his people of the Earth to wisdom and knowledge to the stars, and to connect knowledge from the star beings to the wisdom of the Earth.

We also have Dave the Mystic, Dave Barnett, from Colorado. I have been on his podcast, and he has been on my show. He has information about kinesiology and self-testing and using hands and pendulums to help people know that they can use this energetic field to help them create a better life — and then make better decisions. He has done a lot of research on David Hawkins and levels of consciousness, and I know he is interested in helping what I call ET hybrids who are here on the planet. I asked him here due to his years of dedication to doing the work on ETs, angelic energy, ascended Masters, gods and goddesses. He brings all of that mixture and growth and that deep, deep energy to the Star Gathering.

Last, but not least, is Christine Day. Christine and I have connected at a soul conscious level. When Christine saw me and I saw her for the first time, she cried, I cried, there was an instant soul reunion connection. She is one of the most dedicated teachers as an ambassador to the Pleiades, and she transmits light to all whom she meets and greets. She works with a universal team of Pleiadians who are assisting the planet Earth at this time in its transitional phase.

Jesus Christ was touchable. Krishna was touchable. Mother Mary was touchable. And all of these people are very touchable. They connect with all beings. They connect with all people no matter where they are in their education or level of spirituality. That’s what I really wanted here at the Hope Interfaith Center

And that’s why there are no keynote speakers. I want it to be a keynote experience — and all of these teachers got it. They understood that what we are going to be doing here is creating a wave of consciousness through ritual, through celebration, through laughter, through energy work, through education, and through camaraderie. Collectively we will create a new wave that is going to be brought forth upon the planet to create peace.

Without a doubt we are connected to all the other places on the planet that are holding sacred space, bringing something like this together to help awaken humanity.

What will participants experience as a result of going through all of this?
They will receive, and they also will be lifted. Gifts will be revealed. Memories will be remembered. Energetic fields and the DNA will be turned on. They will be linked to what I call Oneness consciousness. They will have a rapid maturity of that remembrance. And then this consciousness will bring forth an evolution upon this planet that fulfills the mission of love.

You cannot be in a room with dedicated teachers who come from the heart and to have what I call Divine pulsation and not alter the quality of your life, because it weaves a garment of energy around us and it opens up a portal where our space brothers and sisters will be here to help us have victory over the lower self and to raise us to our ascended state of consciousness.

Do all of the presenters channel from the galactic community — in their own way?
Yes. You’re always going to hear a oneness conversation from me. They all have brought down light information in their own unique ways of doing it. They are all are gifted and guided in their own unique ways to bring that down upon the planet.

I believe at this time there is a clarion call coming from the Ascended Masters and the spiritual hierarchy and the Galactic Federation that we have mighty work to do. We are the links of the chain of that hierarchy — and they are connected to this energy field. All the participants will feel how they are the teachers and, together, we will receive what I call the flame of spiritual orders of our destiny of what we are here to do.

Do you have a sense that this is the first of many events like this that are needed?
Yes. The spiritual hierarchy and the galactic beings from whom I receive information told me how this would come about. As I was putting this together I was wondering if we should have a keynote speaker? And they went, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are a teacher of oneness. You’re going to be having a keynote experience.”

This is a leading edge in working as a collaborative group, because there will not be breakout sessions. Everyone will be able to feel the energy that each of these teachers and healers are bringing through. Everybody will be receiving it equally.

There will be many more of these experiences that have us working collaboratively in oneness to bring forth new consciousness. There is absolutely no competition here. We decided together to come together to create an experience.

Do you have a final comment you would like to share with our readers?
I would like them all to take this into prayer, and I ask them to participate in this joyous event. If they can do that, great, and if not, they can participate in their own homes on a level of consciousness, as well. On a conscious level, we will open up our heart and we connect with all locations.

The Hope Interfaith Center has a portal over it. This facility is an ashram, a temple. It is only used for galactic information and guidance into oneness. And, so when your readers connect to this, they are able to download the same information and wake up and help humanity at this time.

View a preview of the 2018 Star Gathering at For more information, visit

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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