U.S. Health Freedom Congress to convene in St. Paul in June


The public is invited to participate in the profound gathering of 30 health freedom organizations to deliberate on promoting health freedom in our nation. The U.S. Health Freedom Congress, hosted by National Health Freedom Coalition, will meet at the InterContinental Hotel in St. Paul on June 10-12.

Health freedom is the goal of many organizations and countless individuals, and the U.S. Health Freedom Congress brings them together in one place to enhance their progress. Some of the issues discussed last year were GMO labeling, keeping organic standards meaningful, vaccination exemptions, and freedom to practice the healing arts.

Included in this year’s Congress are many exciting activities. The “Meet and Greet” on Sunday evening will include a presentation from a local raw milk dairy farmer, followed by a drumming workshop and ceremony. After the Congress activities on Monday evening, Diane Miller, J.D., will present “Lobbying 101,” followed by the movie, The Pathological Optimist, A Profile of Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

The event will culminate on Tuesday, June 12, with a Health Freedom Awards Banquet where many leaders are honored for their achievements in health freedom. The Keynote Speaker for the 2018 Health Freedom Awards Banquet is Jim Turner, Esq., of Citizens for Health, whose passion, humanity and activism in health freedom have been an inspiration to leaders in the Health Freedom movement for decades.

The cost is: $30 for the Monday Evening events — Lobbying 101 and Pathological Optimist movie; $35 for Keynote Speech Tuesday night (no dinner); $75 for the Keynote Speech with Organic Banquet Dinner; and $275 for entry to all events on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (includes food every day).

For more information, visit www.healthfreedomcongress.com, email judy@nationalhealthfreedom.org or call 608.295.3827.

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