Allowing Angels into our Life


Angels are all around us, and if we stay still it will allow the angel to step into our space. Each one of us have been assigned to one or many different angels. When you call upon them for help, they come to your side to assist you with any and everything. Before these angels can assist us, we first have to give the angel permission to help us. Through meditating and speaking out loud to the angel, it will allow them to go to work and assist you with your needs.

It is important to raise your vibration and frequency high to attract angels in order to attempt communication and channel the angel into your circle.

The following are the eight archangels of shining light:
• Michael – provides physical, spiritual protection and guidance.
• Gabriel – provides discipline, order and confidence.
• Raphael – provides healing, help and boost energy.
• Uriel – provides resolution, peace and messenger.
• Raguel – provides justice, fairness and stability.
• Ramiel – provides hope, harmony and calmness.
• Sariel – provides order and housekeeper.
• Zadkiel – provides joy and balance.

My first encounter with an angel was about one year ago to this very day. I became extremely ill after being exposed to black toxic mold found in my rental property’s air conditioning unit. I didn’t know what was wrong with me and neither did my physician. I was diagnosed with acute asthma, acute acid reflux, extreme weight loss and skin rashes. My symptoms were overwhelming for myself and for my physician, who was very well versed with many different medical conditions.

The prescribed medication was making me sicker and the side effects were horrible to deal with each day. I was feeling lost and hopeless and sick each day, not knowing what to do about it.

One day, I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of my local vitamin store and a gentleman walked up to my window and said, “Are you okay?” I looked at him and said, “Not really!” I told him everything that happened to me and how I had been sick for months due to mold poisoning.

He then said to me, “Everything is going to be all right and your health will be restored.” He told me to pray to the Angel Raphael for healing and he will show me the way.

Later that night I did as he instructed and the next day I received a phone call from Utah regarding an inquiry I made online about Aromatherapy and essential oils. I spoke with the gentleman on the phone for three hours about essential oils that would help detox and improve my breathing and digestive health. The next day I went back to my local vitamin store and I purchased Frankincense Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil and Lavender Essential Oil. I started the journey to restore my health.

Within a few months of using the Frankincense Essential Oil, my doctor was happy to tell me that my breathing had improved and my lungs sounded clear. The rashes that were on my chest and neck areas started to disappear after applying the Lavender Essential Oil to my skin after each shower. The Peppermint Essential Oil helped eliminate my acid reflux problems.

My response from Archangel Raphael quickly helped to transform my health. Today, I no longer have to use an inhaler because I don’t have acute asthma anymore. Angels rare real and they are waiting to work for you to bring balance back in your life.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Shanna Bynes, LME
Shanna Bynes, LME, is an internationally recognized leading Medical Esthetic Educator specializing in dermal absorption of active ingredients and essential blended oils topical applications. With more than 17 years in the Aesthetic and Beauty industry, Shanna is also a Licensed Medical Aesthetician and Natural Nail Specialist, as well as Professional Makeup Artist. While being certified in Reflexology, Shanna has been instrumental in providing her expertise to clients and skincare professionals throughout the globe. Shanna has provided extensive advanced Aesthetic training for several international companies and physicians located on the continents of Africa and Europe. Email Shanna at [email protected] or call 954.281.4003.


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