Caught in an era of materialism, false identities and rat race, one often gets overtly tired and becomes a dissatisfied pawn, one that is always seeking but is never able to find true happiness or satisfaction.
This is the reality of the millennial generation that mainly focuses on material pursuits and considers it a gateway to social recognition and happiness.
A majority of our lives is spent validating ourselves to other people, and cluttering more and more physical things in a notion that they will make us happy and socially accepted. But none of that happens — and life gets distressing and destructive, stuck in a lacuna of worldly ambition, material aspiration, competition and envy, which leave behind a trail of anxiety, depression and unhappiness.
A shallow value system, our consumer culture and a programming from childhood that only emphasizes outward distractions and ignores the inner spirit are the major factors responsible for this extrinsic material-driven behavior.
We are socially conditioned to use possessions as a yardstick to success. We have been taught that people, things or achievements will make us happy and that our happiness is dependent on them. Studying well, securing a good job, buying a house, getting married and having children — these are few of the lies society sells us as a formula for happiness. But what no one tells is that these are worthless baubles that provide temporary joy and then disappear, thereby creating hunger for more baubles to be consumed.The more you consume, the more hungry you get and the more you chase…but you are never fulfilled!
A truly fulfilled and meaningful life can only be achieved once we make a shift from outer material dependency to an inner spiritual awareness, which restores us to our original nature of peace, love and respect.
Unfolding the real self and shedding old layers of conditioning requires a strong determination and continuous practice. And then one can experience the power that lies within, waiting to be discovered. Remember! That means breaking the old mindset and creating a new one, letting go of old beliefs and lies and replacing them with purity and truth.
Below, I am sharing a few tips on how to make this subtle shift in life to experience unlimited joy and contentment. Everything starts from a thought, so changing “a thought a day,” practicing daily affirmations and slowly making them an integral part of one’s life can help towards the transformation.
Here are other keys:
• Letting go of I, Me, Myself — Clinging or attaching oneself to a false sense of self, and getting too attached to material things or people, always give rise to ego and melancholy. Nothing in this world belongs to us, nothing shall remain forever.
• Shifting from Getting to Giving — This simple practice cultivates the habit of giving without thinking about what you might get back.
• Focusing on the virtues of love, peace, kindness, bliss, joy and purity — Experience and practice them in daily life.
• Practicing meditation — Learn the right technique.
• Working on changing one’s bad habits and sanskars — Do this to give up addictions or habits that harm the mind and body.
• Avoiding negative news and information — Feed your mind with a daily dose of positivity.
• Practicing gratitude.
• Finding contentment and being thankful for everything.
• Minimizing social media interaction and spending more time with family, friends and loved ones.
• Forgiving — Have goodwill towards all.
Here is a daily affirmation to support your journey:
I am a pure, peaceful and loving soul.
My heart is filled with unconditional love and kindness for others.
Giving without any expectations is my nature and dharma.
I am blessed child of God and I am grateful for all his blessings.
I forgive those who have hurt me for they are also children of God but ignorant right now.
The change begins from me. Everything around me changes, if I change my wrong sanskars and nature.
My only purpose in this life is to spread happiness, serve others and attain good karma.