

The air is so still
Life seems held in stasis
In hushed anticipation
Of the day to come.

A soft pink streak
Hugs the horizon
One final embrace
Of the dawn
Before the moon
Hands the reins to the sun.

A few tentative birdcalls
Span the divide
Melting away
In the day’s mellow hues.

I take in a lungful
Of this life-giving breath
Charging my cells
For another day on Earth.

Thank you, Divine Mother
For the gifts you bestow
Not least among them,
The glorious dawn.

Listen to the audio [] version of the poem.

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Anita Neilson
Anita Neilson is an author, spiritual poet and blogger.  She writes for many mind, body, spirit and chronic illness publications. Visit, on Facebook at AnitaneilsonAuthor, and for all social media links, visit Her book, Acts of Kindness from your Armchair, is available from your preferred online retailer.  Anita’s new book, Soul Murmurs, a mix of spiritual poetry and prose, will be released early 2019! Contact Anita at [email protected].



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