A Blessing for the New Year


We bless this coming year for the innumerable opportunities for good that will manifest as we open up to their possibility.

We bless You, Divine Love, for the unknown blessings that are already on their way.

We bless You also for the needed challenges that are already lined up so as to help us grow spirit-wards.

May we open our hearts to all those in need we meet and also those at the other side of the world whom we can assist or support in different ways.

May we treasure the simple fact of being alive and of the possibility of “DAWL” (Doing All With Love), moment by moment, day in, day out: thinking only loving thoughts, speaking words of love, seeing all with the eyes of love, undertaking all in a spirit of love and finally feeling only love.

May we treasure the intimacy of Your Presence moment by moment, anywhere and everywhere, by day or by night.

And may we learn to see absolutely everything that manifests in our lives as You hidden in the thousand and one disguises of form.

And finally, may we learn to really love ourselves as the magnificent divine manifestation we are. Only then will we really learn to love our neighbor — human, plant or beast — as ourselves, for they are ourselves.

There are many wishes people make for family and friends at the start of a new year: for health and success, for love and prosperity, for success in their studies or any special endeavor, the list is very long.

However, there is one wish I want to make for you who are reading this, and that is that you clear your slate of any resentments you may still hold towards people, circumstances, life, “God,” you name it. Because we are all linked by one infinite, loving Mind (Larry Dossey has written a deeply meaningful book on this theme entitled One Mind) any resentment we harbor towards a person or situation weighs down upon the collective consciousness, and vice-versa, of course. When we forgive sincerely, it uplifts world consciousness.

So why not clear your slate completely of the slightest residue of resentment you hold? It will be the most extraordinary gift you will ever make to yourself — with unconditional love. And the secret of achieving instantaneous forgiveness is understanding that every single person on the planet is at every moment at their highest level of consciousness — even the cruel child murderer or rapist or certain presidents of countries who are not exactly revered and loved by most of their fellow citizens. (No names needed!)

Personally, this is so clear to me that I can really say with that great American mystic of the last century, Joel Goldsmith, founder of a remarkable non-dual spiritual teaching called The Infinite Way: “No one can enter my consciousness who needs to be forgiven, because I have already forgiven him seventy times seven.”

The freedom this will bring you is one of the most precious gifts you could ever make to yourself.

We always have the choice to forgive or to coddle our resentment, knowing we are its first victim. The great American psychiatrist Gerald Jampolsky, M.D., stated that to refuse to forgive is to choose to suffer, and archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa — who knows quite a lot about forgiveness, including on the national level — has stated that to forgive is not only a way of manifesting altruism, it is the best manner of serving one’s own interest.

So, precious friend, love yourself enough to forgive all, unconditionally. A clean slate for 2019 — and ever after!

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Pierre Pradervand
Pierre Pradervand has labored a great deal of his life for social justice, living in or visiting 40 countries on every continent. From his Geneva home, Pierre is now active as a writer, speaker and workshop facilitator, helping people to live simpler, yet richer, more contented lives. Pierre is the author of international bestseller The Gentle Art of Blessing, and the book, 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World.



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