A new year is a time for rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation, replenishment and rejoice. There is no better way to embrace this rekindling of the spirit than communal meditation. The public is invited from January 6-12 to follow the lead of Master Chunyi Lin and three Tibetan Monks in a collective gathering of enlightening meditation.
This seven-day Chanting and Blessing Meditation will take place on the ocean’s deep and ancient waters, aboard a cruise ship at sea. From such an enchanted location as this, the weeklong sacred ceremony of blessing will be broadcast across the world to the benefit of all beings. All of those who wish to share in the spiritual connection of participating in this chanting and blessing meditation can do so for free, twice daily for a whole week. Complete details are at
You don’t have to be familiar with practicing chants or meditation to reap the benefits of this spiritual recharging. Even if you’ve never done any meditation at all before, you are still encouraged to sign up for free and join in this blessed week of celebration. For one hour each day, broken up into morning and evening segments of 30 minutes each, you can join in on the celebration and feel the healing benefits of focused meditation. All you have to do is set aside half an hour each morning for one week, and half an hour each evening. Master Chunyi Lin and the three Tibetan Monks will take care of the rest, and they will guide you through the meditative chants and blessings designed to rejuvenate the soul.
Different chanting prayers will be delivered each of the seven days, and live audio streaming will occur daily so that you can tune in and join in from wherever you want.
Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong, has put this blessed event together for the benefit of all, and he has enlisted the help of the three Tibetan Monks. In a world that can seem so tremendously chaotic at times, this week of blessed meditation and prayer is designed to bring us all together into cohesive unity. A refreshing renewal will be evident to all of those who choose to participate, and our world will be better because of it. If we can all just set aside our differences for one week and rejoice in the beauty of the world and the life with which it flows, we can all achieve a more wholesome and peaceful existence. By looking both inside and out, we can come together in prayer and bless the year, the world, and life itself.
This epic week will commence at 7 p.m. (Central Time) Sunday, January 6 with A Prayer for All Living Beings. The next six days through to Saturday January 12 will feature morning and evening meditative prayer sessions of chants and blessings at both 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Central. The next five days will include five different blessed meditative prayer Sutras. The last day will culminate with a chant to transform all negative karmas. Each day will feature a different chanting prayer, and Master Chunyi Lin and the three Tibetan Monks will be there for guidance every step of the way. Healing and protection will be emphasized, along with cultivation of a nurturing environment for peace and love. The positivity and transformative spiritual cleansing obtained through this meditative process will be felt by all those who choose to participate in this wondrous occasion.