Astrological Energies of 2019


The first week of 2019 starts with a partial solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5. Eclipses are not only a big deal at NASA, they are a big deal in the astrological community! This eclipse will not be visible in the U.S., but it will be visible in your natal chart. The eclipse occurs at 15 degrees Capricorn.

If you were born in early January, expect a big year. If you are an Aries, Cancer or Libra, you will also feel this eclipse, especially if you were born early in the month. Eclipses are thought of as beginnings and endings in astrology. What in your life needs to end? What are you hoping to start? It’s up to you whether you use these cosmic energies to your advantage!

Eclipses are “wild cards” and they are hard to predict. No matter your astrological make-up, make it your year by setting strong intentions with Capricorn themes. Capricorn craves structure and is disciplined, serious and controlled. If you need to restructure something, find discipline in an area of your life, or find some control with food, money or substances, this is the year to do it!

The day after the eclipse on January 6, the planet Uranus ends his six-month retrograde period. Uranus is known for flashes of insight, brilliance, epiphanies and sudden and erratic changes. If you were born between Aries and Taurus season, you will feel this transition the most. People born between Libra/Scorpio, Cancer/Leo and Capricorn/Aquarius also will be inspired to make a wild change in 2019.

Uranus will be spending all of 2019 in the sign of Taurus, which astrologers can’t stop talking about! The last time Uranus was in Taurus was 1934 through 1942. If you know history, you know a lot happened during that time frame. Uranus is an explosive planet and the sign of Taurus is a fixed earth sign that craves stability and comfort.

Taurus has an uncomfortable house guest, but as a collective we can make these energies our own! We can use the brilliant ideas from Uranus to help heal our planet. We can adapt to be more comfortable with discomfort. Our nature is to resist things that are unpleasant. Nothing is permanent and everything changes. The year 2019 will be a lesson to us all on these themes.

Finally, Jupiter will be in his home sign of Sagittarius through December 2019. Jupiter symbolizes truth, expansion, wisdom and luck. Sagittarius is the sign of the truth seeker and the philosopher. In 2019, expect a lot of big truths to surface, no matter how uncomfortable they are. Jupiter spending his time in Sagittarius for the next year can bring us the answers we seek!

The next year is a great time to enhance your spiritual and/or meditation practices. By choosing to do this you will help yourself and the collective. Have a lucky 2019!

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Meredith McCowan
Meredith McCowan is a practicing astrologer in St. Paul, MN. For more information, visit


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