New Books | Spring 2019


The Answer is Energy: A Thirty-Day Guide to Creating Your Ideal Life, Embracing True Abundance, and Knowing Your Worth From Within, by Jarrad Hewett (Morgan James Publishing) — The Answer Is Energy provides thirty chapters of guidance and stories that reveal how to shift energy and reframe thinking about family, money, relationships, abundance, and control to live in the moment of now. When someone’s energy is in alignment with their true intention of being healthier, happier, and more productive, great empowerment and life changing transformation occurs. On this thirty-day journey, Jarrad Hewett, a multi-dimensional energy expert, shows readers how energy creates with thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. He teaches readers how to quickly shift into a paradigm of ease, bliss, love, abundance, and tranquility. The Answer is Energy helps readers to seize their best life by showing them how to not let their inner programming and the worn-out stories of their past crowd out their dreams and aspirations. People are continually looking for solutions “out there” and forget that they have all the magnificent resources and tools inside themselves to catapult their life into the stratosphere by tapping into their own abundant source of energy.

Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman (Sounds True) — Discover an innovative new curriculum for smarter, naturally rejuvenating daily habits through Ayurveda and yoga “This is the next frontier of Ayurveda,” says Mark Hyman, MD, medical director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine and 11-time New York Times bestselling author. The habits you choose over time create your day-to-day thrive. What habits have you been choosing? Are they helping you–or holding you back? Evolving your habits doesn’t have to be a struggle. In Body Thrive, wellness expert Cate Stillman guides you into 10 critical daily routines based on Ayurveda that will rejuvenate you by aligning your daily schedule with natural biorhythms. Rather than presenting a rigid checklist of scheduled tasks, Cate encourages easy and steady progress through small actions. Including access to dozens of downloadable worksheets to help you chart your progress through the habits, Body Thrive provides step-by-step instruction for developing aligned action in your daily routine.

The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future, by Skip Prichard (Center Street) — Have you ever wondered why some people seem to catch all the breaks and win over and over again? What do the super successful know? What is standing between you and your wildest dreams? The Book of Mistakes will take you on an inspiring journey, following an ancient manuscript with powerful lessons that will transform your life. You’ll meet David, a young man who with each passing day is more disheartened and stressed. Despite a decent job, apartment, and friends, he just feels hollow…until one day he meets a mysterious young woman and everything starts to change. In this self-help tale wrapped in fiction, you’ll learn the nine mistakes that prevent many from achieving their goals. You’ll learn how to overcome these hurdles and reinvent your life. This success parable is packed with wisdom that will help you discover and follow your personal purpose, push beyond your perceived capabilities, and achieve more than you ever dreamed possible. You’ll find yourself returning again and again to a deceptively simple story that teaches actionable insights and enduring truths.

Borderland Phenomena Volume One: Spontaneous Combustion, Poltergeistry and Anomalous Lights, by Louis Proud (August Night Books) — Society’s concept of the natural world has little or no room for such phenomena as spontaneous human combustion, poltergeistry and anomalous lights. Rather, these weird and baffling occurrences are either ignored altogether or unfairly and inaccurately labelled “supernatural” and hence assumed to exist “beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.” In Borderland Phenomena: Volume One, Proud adopts a richer, broader concept of the natural world, one that views paranormal phenomena not as foreign or magical but as occupying a position on the margins of this reality, in what he refers to as the “borderland.” In a balanced and objective investigation that spans many topics, including ball lightning, earth lights, strange rains, mysterious fires, and jinn, he manages to lay bare a refreshing and innovative approach to looking at the paranormal and so too the natural world.

The Buddha Pill: Can Meditation Change You? by Miguel Farias & Dr. Catherine Wikholm (Watkins) — Millions of people meditate daily but can meditative practices really make us ‘better’ people? In The Buddha Pill, pioneering psychologists Dr Miguel Farias and Catherine Wikholm put meditation and mindfulness under the microscope. Separating fact from fiction, they reveal what scientific research – including their groundbreaking study on yoga and meditation with prisoners – tells us about the benefits and limitations of these techniques for improving our lives. As well as illuminating the potential, the authors argue that these practices may have unexpected consequences, and that peace and happiness may not always be the end result. Offering a compelling examination of research on transcendental meditation to recent brain-imaging studies on the effects of mindfulness and yoga, and with fascinating contributions from spiritual teachers and therapists, Farias and Wikholm weave together a unique story about the science and the delusions of personal change.

Childless Living: The Joys and Challenges of Life without Children, by Lisette Schuitemaker (Findhorn Press) — An exploration of the self-fulfilling lives of people who, by chance or choice, have no children of their own. This book investigates the life choices people make around having children and alternate ways of finding purpose in life. Not having children is on the rise in many countries across the globe. August 1st has been named International Childfree Day, with a Childfree Woman and Man of the Year Award. Yet being childless is a subject not much talked about–the focus tends to be on having families and raising children, in rural, town, or city life. Let’s talk about not having children, about what people like us do with our time, about how we spend our money, and–most of all–how we find purpose and fulfilment in our lives. Never attracted to family life herself, Lisette Schuitemaker began openly discussing why people didn’t have children and how that was for them, resulting in intimate conversations with childless women and men and surprising insights. Inspired to delve further, she interviewed non-parenting people aged 19 to 91 across the globe. She found that no story was like the other and that many had been waiting to be listened to with sensitivity. She heard stories across the spectrum, from exhilarating to painful, from people still on the fence to the childfree who have always known starting a family was not for them. Complementing her interview findings with a worldwide survey and recent research, the author paints a rich picture of the individual lives of childless and childfree women and men. This book is for everyone who has not gone the way of parenthood, who has close family or friends who lead self-directed lives without offspring, and for all those who are still contemplating this essential life choice.

Empty Brain – Happy Brain: How Thinking is Overrated, by Niels Birbaumer and Jorg Zittlau (Scribe) — Few things scare us more than inner emptiness. The presumed emptiness of coma or dementia scares us so much that we even sign living wills to avoid these states. Yet, as Zen masters have long known, inner emptiness can also be productive and useful. We can reach this state through meditation, concentration, music, or even during sex. In fact, our brain loves emptiness–it makes us happy. Leading brain researcher Niels Birbaumer investigates the pleasure in emptiness and how we can take advantage of it. He explains how to overcome the evolutionary attentiveness of your brain and take a break from thinking — a skill that’s more important than ever in an increasingly frantic world.

Energy Medicine for Animals: The Bioenergetics of Animal Healing, by Diane Budd (Findhorn Press) — Vibrational medicine offers a natural, effective, and hands-on response to animal ailments and disturbances. In the absence of a shared language of “words,” energetic healing can connect a human more closely to an animal while at the same time working on the physical body, the chakras, and the different layers of the animal’s aura or energy field. In this book, animal communicator and healer Diane Budd shares her intriguing journey, research, and experience of working with animals energetically. She explains how, together with a healer colleague, she set out to document the effects of animal communication and healing on the energy field of the animal and the communicator, which led to further in-depth research. Detailing her findings, she reveals how to work with the energy fields, auras, and chakras of horses, cats, and dogs as well as what benefits energetic healing work can offer to animals. Sharing many case studies from her healing practice, the author explores what High Sense Perception (HSP) reveals about the relationship between an animal and human and how to make sense of what you are receiving on an intuitive level. Full-color illustrations clearly show the energy field, the energy flow between animals’ chakras, and what happens in the energy fields of a human being and an animal when they connect telepathically. The illustrations also help guide you, step-by-step, through the use of the healing tools and practices described.

Feed Your Soul: Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled, by Carly Pollack (New World Library) — Countless diets, cleanses, and thirty-day challenges are geared to help people lose weight, heal their digestion, and have more energy. Yet these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation. Nutritionist Carly Pollack lived a vicious cycle of weight ups and downs until trial and error, and over a decade of formal study in health and healing, led her to the insights she has since shared with thousands. In Feed Your Soul, she presents her unique understanding of body science, brain wiring, and spiritual principles to facilitate real, lasting change. Carly helps you reframe your thinking to, for example, see comfort foods as the numbing toxins they truly are and focus on long-term goals rather than immediate gratification. This no-nonsense guide will show you how feeding your soul can change your life, your health, and your body.

Future Sacred: The Connected Creativity of Nature, by Julie J. Morley (Park Street Press) — In Future Sacred, Julie J. Morley offers a new perspective on the human connection to the cosmos by unveiling the connected creativity and sacred intelligence of nature. She rejects the “survival of the fittest” narrative–the idea that survival requires strife–and offers symbiosis and cooperation as nature’s path forward. She shows how an increasingly complex world demands increasingly complex consciousness. Our survival depends upon embracing “complexity consciousness,” understanding ourselves as part of nature, as well as relating to nature as sacred. Morley begins by documenting how indigenous cultures lived in relative harmony with nature because they perceived themselves as part of the “ordered whole” of all life–until modernity introduced dualistic thinking, thus separating mind from matter, and humans from nature. The author deconstructs the fallacy behind social and neo-Darwinism and the materialist theories of “dead matter” versus those that offer a connection with the sentient mind of nature. She presents evidence from complexity studies, cultural history, philosophy, indigenous spirituality, biomimicry, and ecology, highlighting the idea that nature’s intelligence and creativity abound everywhere–from cells to cetaceans, from hydrogen to humans, from sunflowers to solar panels–and that all sentient beings contribute to the evolution of life as a whole, working together in sacred symbiosis. Morley concludes that our sacred future depends on compassionately understanding and integrating multiple intelligences, seeing relationships and interdependence as fundamental and sacred, as well as honoring the experiences of all sentient beings. Instead of “mastery over nature,” we must shift toward synergy with nature–and with each other as diverse expressions of nature’s creativity.

Grow a New Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health, by Alberto Villoldo (Hay House) available March 12 — This newly revised edition of the Wall Street Journal bestseller One Spirit Medicine offers an accessible guide to an ancient practice for healing and transformation–including new, cutting-edge science, recipes, and a 7-day Grow a New Body meal plan! Using the principles and practices in this book, you can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and heal your brain in a week, and in six weeks be on your way to growing a new body–one that heals rapidly, retains its youthful vitality, and keeps you connected to Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose in your life. Our minds, our emotions, our relationships, and our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to ignore it until something brings us up short–a worrying diagnosis, a broken relationship, or simply an inability to function harmoniously in everyday life. When things are a little off, we read a self-help book. When they’re really bad, we bring in oncologists to address cancer, neurologists to repair the brain, psychologists to help us understand our family of origin. This fragmented approach to health is merely a stopgap. To truly heal, we need to return to the original recipe for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago. Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist–as well as his own journey back from the edge of death–acclaimed shamanic teacher Alberto Villoldo shows you how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods; use techniques for working with our luminous energy fields to heal your body; and follow the ancient path of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories from the past and pave the way for rebirth.

The Hidden Worlds, by Sandra Ingerman and Katherine Wood (Moon Books) — Were those people in Isaiah’s dream the same people from school? Popular soccer star Magda? George, who he’d never heard speak because he always left classes for special services help? Angry Rose, the Chinese girl who was always in trouble for fighting? And why were there dead birds and fish everywhere? When the four encounter one another the next day by the same pond from the dream, they realize they’ve shared a dream and there really are dead birds and fish covering the ground! This leads to real-life adventures and more dreams as they discover a toxic waste plant disposing of poisons illegally. Not friends in the beginning, romance blossoms as they work together with their Power Animals to close down the plant. Sandra Ingerman is an internationally renowned teacher on shamanic journeying, healing, and using spiritual methods to reverse environmental pollution. She is the award-winning author of 10 books. Katherine Wood taught reading and writing to middle and high school students for 31 years. She is a shamanic practitioner and teacher as well as an avid reader, writer and journeyer who loves to travel in both ordinary reality and in the hidden worlds.

I’ll Meet You at the Lost and Found: A Guide to Living from the Context of Your Inner Self, by Sam Glory (O-Books) — I’ll Meet You at The Lost and Found is a manual for all who wish to integrate a heightened state of self-awareness into their conscious creation. With Transpersonal Psychology and ancient spiritual knowledge, this innovative guidebook includes techniques that have helped many people realize the boundless power and wisdom of their Inner selves. I’ll Meet You at The Lost and Found offers metaphysical insights and exercises to help light-workers navigate through their spiritual journey. Express the voice of your heart whilst taming the ego-mind. Become the conscious master of your reality. Discover unconditional contentment. Sam Glory offers a fresh new voice in the generation of books about spiritual self-development. A writer, spiritual teacher and author of the spiritual manual I’ll Meet you at the Lost and Found, Sam is passionate about presenting accessible spirituality and personal freedom through profound insights from the Inner Self, to help the reader of today live a fulfilled life from the context of a higher self-awareness. Sam’s work is based in London, UK.

Inner Alchemy: The Urban Monk’s Guide to Happiness, Health, and Vitality, by Pedram Shojai (Sounds True) — Bestselling author Pedram Shojai, “The Urban Monk,” presents a comprehensive guide on how Taoist alchemical practices can help you release stress, harness life force energy, and awaken your true self. “We have fallen asleep to the knowledge of our true nature, and now it is time to wake up,” Shojai says. There is a way to break free from trance of modern life and awaken to your true, limitless nature. The path lies in an ancient system of Taoist alchemy, and with Inner Alchemy, qi gong master, physician, and former monk Pedram Shojai presents an in-depth guide for harnessing the transformational power of this wisdom in your own life. “The process of turning the material ‘lead’ of our human experience into the ‘gold’ of awakening is the essence of this ancient science of spirituality,” writes Shojai. “My promise is that if you practice what you learn in this book, your life will change in ways that you have never imagined.”

Life Between Heaven and Earth: What You Didn’t Know About the World Hereafter and How It Can Help You, by George Anderson & Andrew Barone (Harmony Books) –The New York Times bestselling authors of Lessons from the Light offer a new and provocative understanding of heaven and how messages from the afterlife can assist you in the here and now. We live in a world of near-universal acceptance that once our lives on the earth come to an end we continue to a greater world. Whether that destination is called “Heaven,” “Nirvana,” or simply “The Other Side,” tradition teaches us that there is, in most cases, a fairy-tale ending to life, a place where joy and harmony reigns supreme.  Yet, as this book attests there is still more to heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophies. George Anderson is considered by many to be the greatest medium living today. After more than 50 years of hearing from souls who have transitioned to the world hereafter, he is constantly reminded by those who have passed that our preconceived notions of this life–and the next–aren’t always accurate. The nine stories in this book illuminate times when unusual circumstances such as sudden death, unresolved emotions, abusive relationships, and painful family dynamics, make it necessary for the dead and the living to find new doors to healing. In session with Anderson, survivors and those who have passed meet again in encounters that are profound, bittersweet, highly-emotional and sometimes, downright, funny. What we learn is that there are little-known spiritual treasures–and lessons to be learned–about heaven and earth that can restore, revitalize, and make new what was once broken. Life Between Heaven and Earth is an inspiring, thought-provoking, path-changing work, one that affirms that no matter how complicated a circumstance is, resolution, peace and acceptance can be found in deep and remarkable ways.

The Little Book of Being: Practices and Guidance for Uncovering Your Natural Awareness, by Diana Winston (Sounds True) available March 5 — Do you recall, as a child, being enthralled by a drifting cloud, a rain-soaked leaf, a wandering ladybug? Or suddenly having a sense of timelessness, contentment, and ease? If so, then you’ve already had a taste of natural awareness. Known and revered in many traditions as a complement to focused mindfulness training, natural awareness transcends even these wondrous childhood moments. Some describe it as a profound “awareness of awareness”–an effortless, boundless state of resting in the depth of our being. “At first natural awareness may seem far away, just a whisper,” the author says, “but then it will begin to grow and expand and permeate aspects of living. Over time we may feel more peace, more connection to ourselves. We may find ourselves taking life a bit more lightly. We may feel a sense of relaxed ‘beingness’ throughout the day, and when we do get caught in our dramas, we may find ourselves moving out of them quicker than we imagined we could.”

Living Light: The Art of Using Light for Health and Happiness, by Karl Ryberg (Enliven Books/Atria Books) — Light. It’s all around us. Sometimes soothing and reviving, sometimes glaring and disturbing–light deeply affects us. But can we harness it for our own well-being? Like plants, human bodies need quality light in order to survive, regenerate, and thrive. In this fascinating guide to “eating light” psychologist Karl Ryberg shows you how to best use different types of light to feed your brain and body. Discover how your brain and body absorbs light photons in the form of sunshine, fire, and artificial light. With increased use of computers and screens, flickering LED products, and other “junk food” light sources, we have been paying the price with lowered vitality, focus, and flagging health. By intentionally consuming certain types of light with a proper “diet”, you can alleviate these issues. Ryberg shows us practical ways to maximize the benefits of light therapy for our own bodies, and how to choose light sources that don’t harm the environment. No matter your age, location, or fitness level, Living Light has timely advice on a range of topics, from remedying light starvation or overload to adopting routines to suit your individual needs. Written from a lifetime of research on light and biology, this book provides you with a vital understanding of your body clock, brain function, the importance of color, and much more, all in a clear and accessible manner.

Living on the Inner Edge: A Practical Esoteric Tale, by Cyrus Ryan (Axis Mundi Books) — A mystical story, breaking traditional boundaries, new thought, practices, insights, and a way of knowledge. Everyone walks their own path but in the New Age of Spirituality the idea of Group Work was born from the works of the Tibetan Master D.K., where he introduced the idea of group work on the physical plane and in the higher spheres of the Soul, and the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky Work which was accomplished through intense group meetings and personal interaction. Living on the Inner Edge is a foray into the world of experimental Group Work which lasted for over 30 years, constantly evolving and synthesizing the essence of different Esoteric Traditions into a new body of discipline that achieved extraordinary results.

Loving through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from Separate Realities, by James L. Creighton, Ph.D. (New World Library) — Dr. James Creighton has worked with couples for decades, facilitating communication and conflict resolution and teaching them the tools to build healthy, happy relationships. He has found that many couples start out believing they like the same things, see people the same way, and share a united take on the world. But inevitably differences crop up, and it can be profoundly discouraging to find that one’s partner sees a person, situation, or decision completely differently. Although many relationships flounder at this point, Creighton shows that this can actually be an opportunity to forge stronger ties. In Loving through Your Differences, he draws on the latest research in cognitive science and developmental psychology to show how we invent our realities with our perceptual minds. He then provides clear, concrete tools for shifting our perceptions and reframing our responses. The result moves couples out of the fear and alienation of “your way or my way” and into a deep understanding of the other that allows for an “our way.” As Creighton shows, this way of being together, based on the reality of individuality rather than the illusion of sameness, sets the stage for long-term excitement, discovery, and fulfillment.

Mind Detox: Discover and Resolve the Root Causes of Chronic Conditions and Persistent Problems, by Sandy C. Newbigging (Findhorn Press) — Do you suffer from chronic physical or emotional conditions? Feel stuck with reoccurring patterns in your life? Don’t know why you react the way you do and can’t seem to help it? Much of our chronic conditions, repetitive behaviors, and emotional problems can be traced to unresolved past events stuck in the unconscious mind and to unhealthy belief systems we developed in our past that are no longer serving us in the present. In Mind Detox, Sandy C. Newbigging reveals a deceptively simple, yet potent 5-step method for detoxing the unconscious mind and resolving physical, emotional, and life problems. The author explains how to roll back in time to discover the significant emotional event, the root-cause experience, that shaped the core beliefs that trigger your chronic condition or behavior patterns. He describes how to reflect on why this root-cause event was a problem at the time and then consider the experience in light of your more-aware, present-day self, allowing you to form new conclusions about what happened. Releasing you from your root-cause events, the past events no longer negatively impact you today, you find peace in the present, and your body becomes more able to heal. Providing a powerful way to let go of emotional baggage, release toxic beliefs, and clear the mental blocks to your goals, this 5-step guide empowers you to rewrite your past, find resolution for negative experiences, and use your newly cleansed mind to achieve brilliant success in all areas of life, along with happiness, wealth, and well-being.

The Most Important Thing: Discovering Truth at the Heart of Life, by Adyashanti (Sounds True) — From esteemed teacher Adyashanti comes a collection of writings on the search for the ultimate reality beneath the narrative of our lives. “Our inner lives are every bit as astonishing, baffling, and mysterious as the infinite vastness of the cosmos.” We all define our lives through the lens of stories. Whether we see ourselves as heroes or victims, good people or bad, everyone lives according to interwoven strands of narrative. “And yet,” teaches Adyashanti, “the truth is bigger than any concept or story.” Drawn from intimate, deep-dive talks, The Most Important Thing presents writings devoted to the search for the ultimate reality of a self that exists beyond the bounds of storytelling. Here you will find vivid anecdotes and teaching stories that illuminate the felt experience of Adyashanti’s teachings–those moments of grace in which every stone, tree, ray of light, and fraught silence reveal that none of us is alone and no one is ever truly isolated from the whole of existence. What is the story of your life? Is it happy or adventurous? Sad or lonely? In The Most Important Thing, Adyashanti shows you how to look past your personal narratives, delve inward, and connect with the truths that fundamentally animate all of us.

The Mother Mantra: The Ancient Shamanic Yoga of Non-Duality, by Selene Calloni Williams (Inner Traditions) — This is an initiate’s guide to the healing practices, spiritual exercises, and secret rites of the Mother Mantra tradition. Hidden at the heart of nearly all spiritual and esoteric traditions lies the powerful teachings of the Mother Mantra. Its initiates have preserved its consciousness-expanding techniques for millennia. Originating in the ancient practice of shamanic yoga, this tradition allows us to perceive the full complexity of reality. It helps us see both the visible and the invisible, moving beyond the consciousness of duality that limits us to only the material world. Operating in this heightened state of non-ordinary consciousness, we can see beyond our subconscious programming and behavior patterns and understand our possibilities and powers. By removing all fear, it allows you to love yourself exactly as you are. In this spiritual and philosophical guide, initiate Selene Calloni Williams shares the healing practices and spiritual exercises of the Mother Mantra tradition. She explains how these practices bypass the thinking mind to access our higher spiritual consciousness, allowing us to awaken to the dream nature of reality and release us from all fear. She details the exercises and practices of the four-part Mother Mantra: The first series, which dissolves the constructs of the ego; the second, which invokes ancient spirits and deities for their aid in this endeavor; the third, where we experience a divine androgynous tantric union to transcend sexual identity and spiritually fuse with the divine; and the fourth, where the first three rituals are combined to unlock an expanded state of consciousness and a true seeing of the complexity of both the visible and invisible worlds.

The Other Side of the Valley: Healing Through Altered States of Consciousness, by Linda Edwards (O-Books) — A journey from sceptic to passionate practitioner. Blending research with personal stories and drawing from healing paradigms from around the world, The Other Side of the Valley distills reams of scientific and subjective experience into a coherent and simple approach to life. Whilst charting the author’s personal journey from sceptic to complete acceptance of healing through altered states of consciousness the book is also designed to provide a pragmatic approach to healing and well-being. Linda Edwards is a shamanic healer, trainer, therapist and leadership coach with a PhD in Leadership and Healing Through Altered States of Consciousness. Linda has traveled the world working with indigenous peoples to better understand their way of being and how to apply what she has learned to everyday life. She applies these learnings to running an organisation and living a fulfilling life. 

Out of Your Comfort Zone: Breaking Boundaries for a Life Beyond Limits, by Emma Mardlin (Findhorn Press) — When was the last time you did something that scared you? The last time you really pushed your boundaries, took a risk, and felt you not only bulldozed right through your fear but, in fact, used it to propel you forward? If you’ve ever successfully confronted and overcome anything, even just for a short while, you’ll undoubtedly relate to the profound and overwhelming sense of self-satisfaction that comes with it. This experience provides you with a true sense of freedom, allowing you to breathe effortlessly and fully absorb life, knowing the only thing that can ever really hold you back is you. Offering a step-by-step guide to incrementally breaking out of your comfort zone and confronting and transforming fear, Emma Mardlin, Ph.D., equips us with effective working tools to conquer our deepest fears in any context, be they small or big, and harness them to push us further toward our ultimate goals, purpose, and full potential. She provides the innovative Zone Test to measure your comfort zone before and after working through the book, tools such as the intuition indicator and RACE technique, and the thought-provoking “life discovery model” designed to support you in your new adventures once you’ve conquered your fears and let go of limitations. Offering practices to start the journey toward exciting positive change, she presents resilience-builder challenges, anxiety-buster techniques, practices for indestructible thinking, and “baby steps” to build confidence. She explores why we feel fear and how fear works in the brain, anxiety-reducing foods and how they work nutritionally, as well as the key psychological markers of a fearless “zone zero” personality. Whether you experience irrational fear, have a phobia that plagues you, look back on a lifetime of anxiety and limitations, or suffer from nerves and a lack of confidence, this guide provides a full range of comprehensive resources and tools to help you fully transform your fears, discover your true ambitions, and achieve everything you can in life.

Overcoming Overwhelm: Dismantle Your Stress from the Inside Out, by Samantha Brody, N.D. (Sounds True) — Do more. Be more. Try harder. It’s the battle cry of our culture, and it’s making millions of us sick, tired, and frustrated. Why? Because we simply can’t solve stress and overwhelm by doing more and more of what we’ve been doing. With Overcoming Overwhelm, Dr. Samantha Brody offers an alternative. “You don’t need new ways to manage your stress,” teaches Dr. Samantha, “you need to prevent it from overwhelming you in the first place.” Using her proven and practical techniques that have already helped thousands, this pioneering naturopathic physician teaches you how to systematically undo overwhelm, with four simple steps: Find Your True North; Establish Your Foundation; Take Your Overwhelm Inventory; and Create and Launch Your Personal Plan. Start making the targeted changes that will help you rid your life of overwhelm and radically improve your well-being on all levels–body, mind, and spirit. For decades, Dr. Samantha has helped people to transform their lives with her innovative approach. Now you can use the same tested tools and guidance to experience the freedom of better health, greater resilience, and peace of mind.

Power Deck: The Cards of Wisdom, by Lynn V. Andrews, illustrated by Rob Schouten (Beyond Words Publishing) — Returning after being nearly thirty years out of print, The Power Deck (January 2019 | 978-1-58270-694-8), the classic oracular desktop card deck, is being released once again to the delight of Lynn V. Andrews fans. Featuring forty-five beautifully illustrated cards and its accompanying book of affirmations and medications, The Power Deck represents the wisdom of the universe as it has been revealed through the Sisterhood of the Shields, a private and anonymous gathering of high-degree shaman women from native cultures around the world. Updated to reflect the needs of today, The Power Deck includes new ceremonies and scared visions to truly encompass the experiences of the modern world. According to Andrews, “We are as in need of a relationship with the universe, with each other, and with the spirit as we always have been. The Power Deck opens this connection, inspiring and creative an awareness of the shared sacred beauty within all that exists…” Using the new Power Deck will move the user toward the ultimate vision and coordination of your physical life with your spiritual life. Lynn V. Andrews has studied with shamanic women on four continents for more than thirty years. She shares her ancient teachings in her more than 20 books, including the Medicine Woman series, which includes New York Times bestsellers Medicine Woman and Jaguar Woman. Her books have been translated into 14 languages and she speaks at conferences throughout the world. Her most recent work, The Sacred Vision Oracle deck is a bold oracular system, helping the user to define their presence in the world and, in combination with The Power Deck, creates a bridge between the sacred and everyday life.

Project Phenomena: Evaluating the Paranormal, by Brian Allan (White Crow Books) — In Project Phenomena: Evaluating the Paranormal, researcher Brian Allan in his characteristic matter-of-fact style, presents a fascinating smorgasbord of information relating to paranormal phenomena with the intention of demonstrating once and for all, that a separate reality really does exist alongside our own that can and does interact with us. The book contains recent events involving approved séances in the Vatican and a demonic infestation in Seattle, to an apparent Incubus attack in Morecambe, UK, plus some truly alarming occurrences at the ruins of Seafield House in Co. Sligo Ireland. Allan considers aspects of Gnosticism, magic, the astonishing implications of the Scole Experiment and the results of a scientific appraisal into the unique attributes of paranormal acoustics and kinetics. He also draws comparisons with the findings of quantum physics which reductionist science has no explanation for. This book could permanently change the way you regard the paranormal: the truth is indeed “out there.”

Recognitions, by Daniela I. Norris (Roundfire Books) — Amelia Rothman, a foreign-rights editor from New York, has a turbulent personal life. She juggles a divorce and two teenage kids, and decides to seek hypnotherapy to help her deal with insomnia and anxieties. But when during the session an unexpected event emerges, she tries to understand how it is relevant to her current life and why it suddenly triggers a series of synchronicities that take her on an unexpected personal journey to the depth of her subconscious. At once a spiritual and psychological novel, Recognitions explores the concepts of past lives, recognition of people and their roles in our present lives and life lessons. Recognitions is the first of a trilogy.

Second Nature: How Parents Can Use Neuroscience to Help Kids Develop Empathy, Creativity, and Self-Control, by Erin Clabough, Ph.D. (Sounds True) — Searching for a roadmap to raise a successful child who makes a positive difference in this world? Neuroscientist and mother Erin Clabough teaches that to thrive as adults, children need to learn self-regulation, a master life skill founded in empathy, creativity, and self-control. The lack of even one of these intertwined skills underlies nearly all of the parenting problems we face. The good news is that you can build these strengths in children at any age, from infancy to adulthood. Here, using key insights from brain development research, you’ll learn how. With scientific depth and in clear language, Erin gets you up to date on the vast tide of emerging neuroscience discoveries and how they can help you parent better. Practicing these skills requires a new mindset, but “second nature” parenting is low effort and high impact. It only takes a few minutes each day to nurture the skills your kids need, simply by using everyday situations that you’re already facing in a different way.

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen, by Marc Lesser (New World Library) — What would your work and your life look like if you knew how to stay focused yet flexible, if you got more of the right things done, and if you were helping to create a more peaceful world at the same time? Today’s leaders are grappling with the pace and complexity of change, the challenge of supporting healthy collaboration and alignment among teams, and the resulting stress and burnout. The practice of mindful leadership may be one of the most important competencies in business today if leaders are to move beyond fear, anxiety, nagging self-doubt, and the feeling of constant overwhelm. Marc Lesser has taught his proven seven-step method to leaders at Google, Genentech, SAP, Facebook, and dozens of other Fortune 500 companies for over twenty years and has distilled a lifetime of mindfulness and business experience into these chapters. This incredibly practical yet accessible book draws on Marc’s experience as a CEO of three companies, as cofounder of the world-renowned Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program within Google, and as a longtime Zen practitioner. The principles in this book can be applied to leadership at any level, providing readers with the tools they need to shift awareness, enhance communication, build trust, eliminate fear and self-doubt, and minimize unnecessary workplace drama. After reading this book, you’ll understand why some of the world’s most successful companies routinely incorporate the Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader, integrating mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and business savvy to create great corporate cultures, and even a better world.

The Shaman’s Guide to Power Animals, by Lori Morrison (Four Jaguars Press) — Enter the soul of the animal kingdom. The Shaman’s Guide to Power Animals is a cross-cultural journey into the mystical symbolism and stories of almost 200 birds, fish, insects, and mammals drawn from ancient and indigenous cultures worldwide. It is a spiritual tool for understanding omens when an animal crosses your path or appears in a dream, or to apply in situations where you need protection or want to chart a course or locate resources. Incorporating channeled messages from the Power Animals, it explains: what Power Animals are and how to identify yours; rituals, prayers, and affirmations you can use to ask a Power Animal for its help; archetypal powers associated with different Power Animals and ways to activate them; how a Power Animal can act as your go-between to the spirit world to communicate with the dead and ancestral spirits or help you to recruit a multidimensional support team; and why you never need feel alone once you know you belong to the kinship of nature.

Spiritual Adrenaline: A Lifestyle Plan to Nourish and Strengthen Your Recovery, by Tom Shanahan (Central Recovery Press) — Personal trainer and sports nutritionist Tom Shanahan outlines a program of action to energize, reboot, and strengthen one’s recovery, especially those who feel they may have hit a wall in their program. Spiritual Adrenaline imparts the importance of a holistic approach to fitness, good eating habits, and connection to a personal higher power in order to optimize the guiding principles of the Twelve Steps and reinforce relapse prevention. With overdose deaths and relapse rates at their peak, this country cannot afford to continue using methods that clearly aren’t working. (Overdose deaths were at 72,000 last year and relapse rates are at 90%.) Most treatment programs don’t concentrate on the person as a whole, focusing on only 1 or 2 issues. But addicts have depleted their bodies and minds of so much, that there is no way they can return to a sober, happy lifestyle without addressing the complete picture. Tom Shanahan, attorney, personal trainer, nutrition consultant, health coach, and recovering addict, has created a recovery-specific program that treats all aspects damaged during active addiction. In his inspiring, motivational, and educational guidebook, he helps those in recovery by combining cutting-edge medical research and the results of dozens of scientific studies, with the philosophies of the Twelve Step Program, and the practicality and necessity of healing the mind, body, and soul. After recounting his own dramatic story, and the lightbulb moments when he realized that he had to go outside the Twelve Step Program to discover why he wasn’t recovering in the way he had hoped, Shanahan then explains exactly what is happening physically and mentally while in addiction, throughout withdrawal, and beyond, and he offers the crucial tools that will break the cycle of addiction that incorporate nutrition, exercise, and establishing a particular mindset.

Stones of the Goddess: Crystals for the Divine Feminine, by Nicholas Pearson (Destiny Books) — This is a practical guide to working with gemstones and crystals connected to Goddess energy for magick, healing, and transformation. Part of Mother Earth, crystals and gemstones are intimate pieces of the body of the Goddess, sacred tools that can help us tap into Her energy for healing, magick, and spiritual growth. In this practical guide to working with the stones of the Goddess, Nicholas Pearson explores more than 100 gemstones and crystals strongly connected with the energies of the Divine Feminine, including old favorites like amazonite, amethyst, geodes, and carnelian (also known as the blood of Isis), alongside newer and more unusual stones such as sakura ishi, yeh ming zhu, and Lemurian seed crystals. He details each stone’s spiritual and healing properties, astrological and elemental correspondences, Goddess archetypes and lore, magickal uses, and the aspects of the Divine Feminine it embodies. Providing an overview of major Goddesses from around the world, he reveals how Goddess traditions and myths have incorporated stones throughout history. Guiding you through the basics of crystal work, including cleansing and programming, the author offers step-by-step instructions for Goddess-centered magickal rituals, guided meditations to connect with the Divine Feminine, and the use of crystals for spellcasting. He explains how to create crystal grids, including the Triple Goddess Grid and the Venus Grid; crystal elixirs, such as Aphrodite Elixir and Yemayá Essence; and crystal charm bags for purification, wealth, and a happy home. With the rebirth of the Goddess now happening after millennia of suppression, Pearson shows how, by working with gemstones and crystals, you can help restore the radiant light and limitless magick of the Divine Feminine and move humanity toward collective growth and healing. The stones of the Goddess are here to support us through practical means as well as serve as anchors for the return of the Goddess’s presence.

This Is Motherhood: A Motherly Collection of Reflections + Practices, by Jill Koziol, Liz Tenety (Sounds True), available on March 12 — With This Is Motherhood, the cofounders and contributors of the Motherly online community present a collection of essays and practices to celebrate motherhood in all its complexity. Here you’ll find reflections on each phase of “the wild ride of motherhood,” including the soaring highs of meeting your new baby, the ground-shaking lows that make you doubt everything you’ve ever known, and all the beauty and pain in between. Each chapter closes with practices from Motherly’s team of wellness experts to help you define, clarify, process, and celebrate your journey. There are many ways to get motherhood right. It’s not your mother’s path or your sister’s path or that seemingly-perfect mom from your kid’s preschool’s path. It’s yours. You get to define–and redefine along the way–your experience of motherhood. And you are not alone. Each essay in This Is Motherhood is a letter to you, from one mama to another, to remind you that your feelings are normal. That you’re doing an amazing job. That you’re stronger than you even realize. Most of all: You’ve got this, mama.

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