May Day Celebration Pagan Pride of Willmar


The Second Annual May Day Celebration Pagan Pride of Willmar will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 4 at Willmar Community Center, 624 Highway 71 North in Willmar. It will feature two psychic galleries by Psychic Medium Tiffany Johnson (Psychic Tiff), speakers, vendors, readings, music and much more.

Psychic Tiff is a lifelong professional psychic and evidential medium who is well known in the paranormal community. Grant Wilson from SyFy’s “Ghost Hunters” says “she is the best psychic I have ever worked with.” Her psychic galleries, which include readings conducted at random, have been described as “raw and authentic.” The galleries will include mediumship and may include strong language and emotional-adult content. All gallery participants are not guaranteed a reading. Tickets are now on sale at 320.765.2510.

Another featured speaker, Justin Steinberg, will present “Project Origin: Untold Stories,” and Renee Plemmons will make the featured presentation on the Raindrops Technique. The featured band is Leprechaun Pirates.

For more information, email or call 320.765.2510.

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