Mental & Emotional Release™ to Support your Life

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Many people struggle to move forward in life due to baggage that piles up internally over time.  We’ve all experienced negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear and guilt that can derail us on our path and get in the way of achieving what we want in life, both personally and professionally. How do you react when a difficult conversation comes up unexpectedly? How do you handle unexpected challenges in life? 

When you gain a clear understanding of what beliefs and choices you make each day that are in direct opposition to what you want in life, you are able to release what is no longer serving you and make room for what you do want in your life. Imagine how different your life would be if you were free from your baggage, your limitations, and your pain.

As a therapist, imagine having an effective tool to help your clients become free of depression, PTSD and anxiety within hours or days rather than years.

Dr. Matthew B. James
Dr. Matthew B. James, president of The Empowerment Partnership, introduces an incredible therapeutic process proven to be effective in treating everything from bedwetting to bulimia and PTSD to migraines. Mental and Emotional Release® (MER) has been validated through clinical and academic research to be more effective than other techniques such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Like Dr. Matt loves to say in his trainings, it is so easy to let go of the baggage…if you want to and are ready to.

Dr. Matt embodies the principles he teaches. While devoting himself to the integrity of his spiritual path, Dr. Matt has built an international firm dedicated to personal transformation, authored several books and trains thousands of students every year in mastery of the four bodies of empowerment (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Throughout his work, Dr. Matt weaves effective modern technologies with the timeless wisdom of ancient spiritual paths.

He studied directly with several well-known teachers in the human potential movement, including Tony Robbins and Richard Bandler. He became a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) at the age of 13 and became a Master Trainer at the age of 29. Dr. Matt is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and Psychology Today. He has been featured on Fox News, CNN Headline News, and many other TV and radio shows around the world. His degrees include an master’s in Organizational Management and a doctorate in Integrative Health Psychology.

To learn more about the techniques of Mental and Emotional Release®, join Dr. Matt at an upcoming advanced training event where he will share the techniques of MER (taught during the Empowering Your Life® Weekend event and Week 2 of the Accelerated NLP Master Practitioner Certification® training). And don’t miss his book “Mental and Emotional Release®” available now on Amazon. Visit, and

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