sound bowls


in each corner of my sacred office
sleep two sound bowls–
tunes to warm a wounded heart
bring solace to cells damaged from youth.

These vibrations warm, as if sounds
of mother’s blood swooshing about,
the same blood which didn’t want me.

Thank you bowls for my peace,
thank you friends who understand this pain
which lives in that embryo once me.

Thank you everyone who sees me for whom I am
appreciates my greatness and the love I have to offer.

I want these bowls to embrace me
I want them to form a protective shield
around those I’ve become to recognize
with my Quan Yin love.

I want them to remind me how we need to bury
that which no longer serves us, including people
who burn fires in our souls, but like a helicopter
which drowns flames, I shall drown them too.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Diana Raab, Ph.D., M.F.A.
Diana Raab, Ph.D., M.F.A., is an award-winner memoirist, poet, speaker and workshop facilitator. She is the author of nine books including, her latest, Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life. Her most recent poetry book is called, Lust. In her 40-year career, she’s been as an advocate of personal writing. Dr. Raab facilitates workshops in writing for transformation and empowerment, focusing on journaling, poetry, and memoir writing. She believes in the importance of writing to achieve wholeness and interconnectedness, which encourages the ability to unleash the true voice of your inner self. Raab blogs for numerous blogs, including: Psychology Today, Elephant Journal, and Thrive Global. Visit her at


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