Her Lighthouse


I came to the west…to the edge of land
So that I could meet the Sea…
I called to her…
Or was it that she had called me?

The moments I spent with Sea…became me

During a time where the storms of my life had me shipwrecked…
I found…
That the Sea wished to bring me deep and wide
She wished to bring me inside of her

I surrendered and I prayed that I could somehow magically grow gills
So that I could breath under water in her vast ocean
Of course, that never happened but I did…finally…
No longer fear…that I would drown

The Sea brought me into herself…
I was a cast away on the moon’s tide

I had no compass…but never felt lost in her mighty power
I had no idea of time anymore…and that…
Surprisingly…comforted me

Years ago…I had met the King –- Neptune, The King of The Sea
He taught me many things…
But here…and now…
I had the chance to know the Queen…
Who…is the Sea!

She asked me to stay the course…
I had no idea of what that meant to me anymore
She asked…will you trust me?

To show her that I would…
I dove deep into her…in her Kingdom
I met Tortuous and Whale…such wisdom they hold
And so, I listened…in gratitude and love

At one point in this journey…I looked back
Perhaps to see how far away I was…
Could I even see the shore anymore?

I thought I might have seen the glow of a lighthouse
And I realized at that defining moment…

I would know the shore…no more

I am not destined for the shore
And though I may discover ports…

The Sea has become me…

I have fallen into her
Fallen in love with her

I am her lighthouse
And it is with her…that I remain with the Sea

Ask for a free meditation to ease your mind, find stillness, and listen to your intuition, The Wheat and the Willow Meditation, used to discover your peaceful, sacred place within and hear your inner guidance! Email [email protected] and ask for The Edge Free Meditation and receive your MP3 download. 

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Elizabeth L. Lukacs
Elizabeth L. Lukacs has been the owner of Deeply Well since 1986, offering Alternative Wellness Events, Intuitive Consulting, Healing & Energy Work, Coaching, and Nature & Wellness Destination Retreats. Contact Liz at Deeply Well at 651.269.9060, email [email protected] and visit www.deeplywell.com.


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