2020: Honesty becomes a Spiritual Practice


We have a chance to turn things around in 2020, but we need to stay awake, aware and involved. The stars ask us to pay attention to our spiritual life while always remembering our spirit is embedded in the body politic, and the body politic needs our help. We need to support our community and build a healthier world this year as expansive Jupiter and structural Saturn both conjunct transformative Pluto in ambitious, organizational Capricorn, one after the other, and then shift into communal Aquarius and conjunct on the 2020 winter solstice.

Jupiter and Saturn are considered the significators of our social and political realm. Jupiter is larger than all the other planets put together and speaks of generosity, abundance, expansion and enabling, and it’s connected to liberal politics. Saturn, with its ring-wall, speaks of structure, tradition, boundaries, responsibility, restriction and control, and it’s connected to conservative politics. Balanced tension between these two poles holds us upright.

Get ready for change. As Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto run together this year, they bring real opportunities for the death and rebirth of power systems and political structures in our personal organizations and in governments around the world, but it may get messy before it gets better. Pluto brings revolution to the sign it occupies by exposing its shadow side; 2008-2024 Pluto in Capricorn asks us to look at the abuse and use of political power, the sources of our electrical power, gender-based authority, tradition, honor and responsibility. Pluto now returns where it was during the American Revolution for the first time, perfecting in 2022.

Every 20 years Jupiter and Saturn conjunct and stimulate a shift in our political realm. From 1840 to 1960 this conjunction occurred in concrete earth signs and the current president died in office. In 1980 the cycle switched and this conjunction now occurs in mental air signs, and though the president hasn’t died, the presidency came under great stress, which precipitated a healthy bipartisan response. This year the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs in airy Aquarius and it calls for a philosophical and political rebirth. We can help answer that call.

On November 3, voting day, Mercury turns direct after three weeks retrograde and squares Saturn and Pluto, and this could precipitate logistical difficulties. Let’s advocate for transparent, efficient voting systems around the globe, and vote early here in the USA.

The search for honesty becomes a spiritual practice this year. We may be transformed by a new perspective triggered on June 5 by a lunar eclipse in outspoken Sagittarius, a perspective that is magnified around December 14 by a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Sagittarius searches for authenticity, but it can sometimes mistake opinion for truth. We have to add the depth and rigorous thinking.

We’re going to be busy with politics and social change, reorganization in our community and neighborhood this year, and we can neglect our beloveds unless we pay attention and treasure emotional connection.

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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