I have been awake for a while now.
I have seen what I have accepted for my-self and the cost has been great.
I have felt the Oneness of Truth and felt the Purity of Joy for the first time.
I have lost friends and lovers, homes and pets.
I have gained Teachers, Colleagues and Soul Mates.
I have learned how to Trust and have accepted my-self as the proverbial Fool, who goes on trusting, even when I have been abused, lied to and cheated.
I have scraped layers of grief, anger and despair off my body as one scrapes a worn sticker off a windshield.
I have danced, laughed and played.
I remember what it was like to be a child even when I have no recollection of it.
I have forgiven past hurts, healed relationships and have seen as some friends leave me; others are coming back.
I have come to understand the importance of Truth, Authenticity and Self.
I have learned that no matter how difficult a situation can be that if embraced, it can bring healing to many.
I have re-connected.
I have seen as my “literal” weight is falling off, the emotional weight is revealed, cleared and purified.
I have been awake for a while now.
I am still learning about my-self.
I am still trying to understand it all.
I am not certain of my future but certain that I create my future here in the present.
I see. I see you, God and My-Self.
We all look the same.
I feel everything and nothing.
I pause, reflect and listen; noticing what I never noticed before.
I am awake.