

I have been awake for a while now.

I have seen what I have accepted for my-self and the cost has been great.
I have felt the Oneness of Truth and felt the Purity of Joy for the first time.
I have lost friends and lovers, homes and pets.
I have gained Teachers, Colleagues and Soul Mates.
I have learned how to Trust and have accepted my-self as the proverbial Fool, who goes on trusting, even when I have been abused, lied to and cheated.
I have scraped layers of grief, anger and despair off my body as one scrapes a worn sticker off a windshield.
I have danced, laughed and played.
I remember what it was like to be a child even when I have no recollection of it.
I have forgiven past hurts, healed relationships and have seen as some friends leave me; others are coming back.
I have come to understand the importance of Truth, Authenticity and Self.
I have learned that no matter how difficult a situation can be that if embraced, it can bring healing to many.
I have re-connected.
I have seen as my “literal” weight is falling off, the emotional weight is revealed, cleared and purified.

I have been awake for a while now.

I am still learning about my-self.
I am still trying to understand it all.
I am not certain of my future but certain that I create my future here in the present.
I see. I see you, God and My-Self.
We all look the same.
I feel everything and nothing.
I pause, reflect and listen; noticing what I never noticed before.

I am awake.

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Lisa M. Gunshore
Lisa M. Gunshore's spiritual and psychic gifts came to her through the generations of women in her family. She is the fourth generation of an incredible group of gifted healers, mediums and channels. Since 2006 she has been supporting clients through psychic readings, visiting the Akashic Records, connecting to teachers and loved ones and journeying to different Lokas or dimensions. She specializes in helping clients transition out of or recover from toxic situations, and she helps her clients heal through soul retrieval, self-inquiry and spiritual practices. Her book, Enlightenment Pie, provides more information on healing through spiritual practice. Visit


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