Animals, plants and children will be the new saviors of Mama Gaia. They are her most innocent and powerful warriors. The coming year will see a greater participation from children across the globe for shifting world consciousness. As we can see from last year’s prediction for 2019, children have emerged as wise teachers who are unafraid, upfront and hard hitting. They will take on world leaders, demanding solutions and a better world for themselves. Children as young as 7 years of age will take pledges and shun the use of plastic. Young adults will pioneer the preservation of natural resources. They will be actively involved in prevention of global warming.
The wealthy will fund and create massive properties of organic, chemical-free environments and sustainable living. Fossil fuels will no longer be preferred. Ancient ways of agriculture, using solar energy, water harvesting and natural manure will return.
Creativity, inventions and discoveries in arts, science, anthropology and social sciences will be on the rise. Many well-established wealthy and famous individuals will now give back to society in measurable ways. Reforestation drives will be taken up by many individuals, even as forests burn worldwide. Flora and fauna will sacrifice themselves to human greed to awaken a new consciousness in the world. The fire element of Mother Nature will be greatly manifest, illuminating the way for humans to choose their leaders wisely.
Old souls will incarnate into female bodies as victims to awaken world awareness in eliminating patriarchy, abuse and rape. Divine feminine energies will be enhanced as individuals learn to be more compassionate and nurturing of themselves and the planet. A new Divine masculine energy will replace the old male patriarchy.
Alternative and indigenous medicine will be preferred over allopathy. Healing will be preferred over curing. Changes to the DNA will be made easily and effortlessly. Cellular memory of disease will be erased, replaced by healthy patterns of longevity and health. Light and energy (prana) will deliver healing, as more individuals align themselves to cosmic energy.
Children will heal themselves and others by aligning with the Higher Intelligence and their authentic selves. These children will vibrate at very high frequencies. They will refuse to be labeled and will rebel if forced. They will create new pathways to unimagined beauty, wisdom and ways of living. They will rely more on telepathy and remain in Oneness with all creation.
Quantum physics will be a preferred subject of study. Many scientists, doctors and students will switch over to studying quantum energy for a deeper understanding of the Universe.
Old souls will continue being born in large numbers, often exhibiting wisdom and talents from previous lifetimes at a very young age. They will easily recall significant information that is necessary for growth in their present life.
Schools will have integrated learning systems, where sustainable living is taught and implemented. Students will learn to grow their own food. War will not be considered an option, despite huge provocations.