2020 is a 4 Universal Year (2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4). Here are some key words and phrases that explain the meanings of a 4 universal year:
• Building a new foundation for accomplishment by repeated effort and application.
• Loyalty to the values established by the Founding Fathers, the BLUEPRINT FOR OUR REPUBLIC.
• Re-securing basic inalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
• Rebuilding the financial infrastructure by producing more goods for export and re-establishing American industry and privately owned businesses.
• Rebirth of loyalty, sense of values, practicality, seriousness and determination.
• Pragmatism, exactitude, endurance, patriotism, devotion, resurgence of conservative nationalism.
Numbers don’t lie. Numbers seek to express. They are impersonal, universal vibrations.
Now, knowing the key meanings of this 4 Universal Year, how does it affect your personal year in 2020?
Calculate your personal year
Everyone has a personal year number. As you become aware of this accurate and continuing timing device in your life, you will be guided by it and gain a sense of confidence in taking right action for the universal calendar year 2020.
To calculate your own personal year in the year 2020: Add the universal year number for 2020 (4) to your own birth month number plus your day of birth number. So if your birthday is February 25, add the universal year number for 2020 (4) to the number of your birth month (2) plus the day of your birth 25 (2 + 5 = 7) , your personal year would be calculated as 4 + 2 + 7 = 13, which is reduced to a single number: 1 + 3 = 4.
Meaning of the Numbers
The following list is the meaning of the numbers for you to take action-based insights for your own personal number.
1 — New starts, will power, determination, taking initiative action, inventiveness. originality, new ideas.
2 — Peacemaker, diplomacy, tact, persuasion, sensitivity, graciousness, spiritual influence, researches and gathers facts, partnerships.
3 — Joy giver, creating a vision for others to see through optimism, happiness, gift of words, artistic expression, creative talent.
4 — Building through repeated effort, concentration, endurance, practical values, determination, loyalty, devotion, patriotism, foundation for accomplishment.
5 — Progress, versatility, change, action and energy, investigation, mental curiosity, new ideas, adaptability, travel and adventure, quickness in thought and body movements.
6 — Humanitarian service in the infrastructure of society, protection and guardianship, harmony, love of home, nurturer, sacrifice, surrender, selflessness, service, domesticity, fixed opinions and beliefs.
7 — Spirituality and understanding, investigation, desire for proof, analysis, observation, specialist in any field, detective work, mediation, perfectionist, skill with hands, love of solitude, life theories, soul development.
8 — Power and authority, executive ability, supervision and management, strenuous action for success, demanding of others, seeking power, good judgment and character analysis, recognition sought and gained.
9 — Forgiveness, universal love and compassion, breadth of viewpoint, generosity, capacity for living by Divine standards, artists, writers, dramatists, religionists, high ideals, big opportunities in life, romantic approach to life.
May you realize good fortune in the New Year!