New Book, Embodying Soul: A Return to Wholeness, arrives on Valentine’s Day


Witness deep wisdom about the journeys we all embark on with each human incarnation, and the soul purpose behind all we experience in our “skins,” or bodies, in Embodying Soul: A Return to Wholeness (Curiosa Publishing), an engaging, insightful novel featuring a woman who finds that self-acceptance is the key to joy. This first book by Keri Mangis, a Minneapolis-based writer and speaker with an extensive understanding of spiritual teachings and healing modalities, will be released on February 14. [Read the interview with Keri Mangis]

A determined truth-seeker craving success and belonging unexpectedly meets her journeying soul, which leads to greater self-acceptance, a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life and death, and the realization that every new beginning provides a rich opportunity for healing and personal evolution.

Serene Voyager, known as Sëri in the Soul Realm, reassesses her eternal journey before embarking on her next lifetime in the Earth Realm. For aid and companionship, she has: her soul friend, Rasa; her soul animal, a silver-eyed wolf named Endless Curiosity; and distinctive characters that personify her emotions. Meanwhile, in the Earth Realm, twenty-year-old Keri moves away from her birthplace of North Dakota and, heeding the advice of Fear and Guilt, unwittingly surrenders her self-worth for safety, her personal power for approval, and her intuition for false promises. Later, when her chosen roles of businesswoman, wife, mother, and yoga teacher thrust her into an identity crisis rather than imbue her life with meaning, she forges a relationship with her soul, Sëri. Through parallel stories, Sëri helps Keri discover that joy derives not from successful role-playing but from knowing who you really are inside your human skin.

“When I first began this book,” Keri Mangis says, “I was in a place in my life that we in the spiritual community often call a Dark Night of the Soul. Several ventures of mine had ended, and I wasn’t sure what was next. I felt I understood what my skills and strengths were, but I couldn’t seem to find a way to put them to use in the world in a way that would be recognizable to others (i.e., safe), as well as satisfying to me. Plus, I was tired of trying so hard, and making (seemingly) no progress. I was having an identity crisis (isn’t this what all mid-life crises are at the core?).

“With guidance and support, I dug past the surface questions until I arrived at my core questions: Did my soul choose this life? If so, why? And was my soul disappointed in me for not finding the right path? This was how the Soul Realm perspective began. I thought if I could see my stories through her eyes, I might see things I missed. And I was right about that. Not only did I gain new perspective, but I began to realize that I was living my life exactly how she’d always wanted to: with a lean toward adventurous new beginnings, and the opportunity to slip into many different human ‘skins’ — roles, identities, titles — to see what there was to learn. She never expected me to ‘figure it out.’

“This realization filled me with gratitude and much forgiveness toward myself. So much healing happened during the writing of this book. Rather than seeing my life as a series of false starts and premature endings, I saw it anew as a rich journey of new beginnings, continued growth, and soulful evolution.

“When I realized the immense healing that came through seeing our stories through our soul’s eyes, I knew that this book was no longer simply a personal memoir, but a collective one. All of us have stories in our lives that we don’t quite understand why they happened, or what we were supposed to learn from them; but our souls do, if we only stop to ask.”

Mangis has studied or taught yoga, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, energy work, aromatherapy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Tantra, Christianity, and other spiritual teachings and healing modalities. A writer and speaker, her work has appeared in Elephant Journal, Urban Howl, The Sunlight Press, Grown and Flown, Rebelle Society, The Good Men Project, Stitch, Literary Mama, and elsewhere.

Julie Burton, author of The Self-Care Solution: A Modern Mother’s Must-Have Guide to Health and Well-Being, and founder of ModernWell, says about this book: “Embodying Soul, a courageous piece of work, speaks to the beauty and pain of the human condition. Keri Mangis captivates the reader with her vulnerability, creativity, and insight, inspiring us to explore the true depth of our souls to better understand ourselves and one another. This book is sure to infuse more purpose and meaning into your life.” Dr. Henry Emmons, an integrative psychiatrist and author, notes, “This is a book about deep living and courage. It is about searching for, finding and telling the truth.”

Curiosa Publishing encourages you to support independent bookstores and authors. Embodying Soul: A Return to Wholeness will be available for purchase at, as well as at Magers and Quinn Booksellers, Eye of Horus Metaphysical Store, and

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