From the Editor: Introducing Edge Expo 2020

The Lightbearer © Science of Being

“A spiritual soul jubilee celebration coming to a community near us will be such a wonderful reminder of the works that we’ve done through all the epochs and eons of time, ever staying diligent to the task at hand, for which we were called. We are spiritual souls and we need to not ever forget this again, those lucky enough to be graced with these words of encouragement.” — Robert Brooks from “More Than Who We Are?” (September 2019, The Edge)

Coming in November, The Edge will present a gathering for these auspicious times. Edge Expo 2020, launching November 7-8 at Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, will reestablish The Edge as host of the premiere exposition on body, mind and soul in the Upper Midwest.

Two decades ago when Whole Life Expo left the Twin Cities after presenting big shows for three consecutive years, an opportunity existed for someone to continue showcasing our holistic community in a big way. The Edge stepped forward, took the reins and created Edge Life Expos. The events succeeded, and yet, the growing cost of presenting big-name speakers contributed to a higher cost for exhibitors each year. When our holistic businesses, healing practitioners, psychics and mediums and spiritual organizations cannot afford to be present, it defeats the purpose of the event.

I praise the late Gary Beckman for taking the initiative to give the Edge community a place to showcase its gifts and talents. And in the same spirit, I welcome our opportunity now, led by Edge co-publisher Cathy Jacobsen, to reboot the experience by lowering the cost of participating so our healers and intuitives and small businesses can once again thrive for two days under one roof.

And while we understand that the nature of the beast is business, money changing hands, our greatest desire is to have this event serve as a beacon to all who are called to the light that Edge Expo is where souls gather to share their journeys and experiences — and love. We envision an event where a newcomer to everything metaphysical and spiritual enters the doors and is greeted by vendors who speak to his or her soul. Yes, they may be displaying brilliant quartz crystals or stunning aura photos or explaining the intricacies of our chakras, but simultaneously they are welcoming a soul to a new experience with an open heart, and his or her initial trepidation about dipping toes into uncharted waters evaporates and transmutes into trust.

And likewise, we envision the many workshops that will be free to attendees each day will have the same effect. Lectures can be boring. Workshops that welcome attendees to an experience can be transformative.

Edge Expo 2020 is an opportunity for lightbearers to come together and connect in all ways, and in so doing they remind us to shine our light and treasure our eternal soul.

Many years ago, probably 30 or so, I walked into a frame shop with a garage sale find, a delicate print featuring three women wearing traditional Thai hats playing musical instruments. As I was waiting to have this piece framed, I discovered a unique, Art Deco-styled print for sale. It featured a being holding light in his hands. And beneath the soothing illustration were the words to what I later learned was a statement called “Awake!” This piece, “The Morning Star — The Lightbearer,” also known as “a picture with a soul,” was commissioned in the 1920s by Eugene Fersen, author of Science of Being ( and founder of the Lightbearers Organization.

This morning, while pondering the upcoming expo, I again read the words under the print: “Men of the earth, brothers in eternity, Awake! Shake your souls. The hour so long waited for, The promise hour, has come. Over the dark firmament of suffering humanity is rising the morning star heralding the day when you will understand that man’s most sacred duty is to be man. That is, to manifest Life, Intelligence, Truth and Love. There is no higher aim, no vaster problem. And you who realize this will break the fetters with which ignorance and fear have bound unconscious humanity. Will stand up free and know yourselves to be the eternal manifestation of the unmanifest witness of the absolute sons of that great all whom you call God.”

Overlooking the use of “man” to reflect all of humanity, I am inspired every single time I read these words, for our collective goal is to release ignorance and fear and become conscious.

It is time to “shake our souls” and reawaken to them. It is time to embody our souls. It is time to listen — and truly grok, understand intuitively — where our souls are leading us. Let’s move forward together toward the collective manifestation of what is to be created. What would love do?

I invite you to explore our new site at and consider how you may want to take part, how your soul wants to show up. Let us know what comes forward and together we can create a gathering that we will all remember when we return home.

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at


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