What do the Holy O, the Moon Portal, 999 to the power of 7th paradigms, the Nine Clusters, the Crystal Lattice, the Brown Ray, the Neutral Zone, the Order of Trons, the Fractal Codes, the Christ Matrix Grid, the Ascension Ladder and the Neutron Stars all have in common? They all play a part in a Holy Divine Healing experience with Dr. Dan Mathews from Arkansas.
Testimonials reveal that Dr. Mathews’ Holy Divine Healing changes individuals on all levels — physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and multidimensionally — throughout all time and space. As consciousness expands, Dr. Mathews’ work expands to the next level. Participants say that as they become immersed in the high vibrations of the Holy O and all that Holy Divine Healing has to offer, they begin to understand how this process can expand their soul’s growth.
Dr. Mathews had planned to return to the Twin Cities May 13 to present a full-day workshop, but due to gathering restrictions, that event is canceled. A Group Healing Event will take place by teleconference only on May 16. As you share your gifts and your unique vibration, the group energy created together will assist to uplift the vibration of the planet and assist in expanding human consciousness. The event includes a Q & A. Register for the Group Healing Event ($35) on or before May 5. Checks are accepted or pay online at www.holydivinehealingstore.com.
He will offer private sessions remotely by phone throughout the month of May, beginning May 6. Schedule your private healing session on or before May 5 by contacting Terri at 651.442.4623 or [email protected]. After May 6, contact Dr. Mathews directly and leave a message to schedule your session at 501.416.1996.
Dr. Mathews is a chiropractor and spiritual healer from Little Rock, Arkansas, who emerged from a near-death experience in the 1990s with knowledge of how to connect people with their “indwelling God Presence.” Since that time he has remained consciously in communication with the Beings of Light that he encountered during the “death” experience. He continues to receive updates on how to better serve people, the Earth and humanity. And he generously shares it with everyone he meets. He is completely devoted to his path of uplifting humanity and the planet with his gift.
For more information about his work, visit Holydivinehealing.com, Holydivinehealing.wordpress.com or www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xu_4ALeUI4&t=4044s.