The Universe Always Has A Plan


An excerpt from The Universe Always Has a Plan

You’ve reached a turning point in your reality — a moment in time when the things that used to hold your interest fail to provide the comfort they once did. You may not know where things are headed, but you can clearly sense a withering away of how things used to be. It’s a time of transformation, when the dissolving of relationships or roles makes room for new experiences to be birthed. It is much like a spiritual form of empty nest syndrome, a time of big change and loss.

Do you feel an insatiable drive to fulfill a mission greater than yourself? To be reacquainted with a long-lost desire to follow the excitement of passion, inspiration and playfulness? As this happens, you can start to feel the walls of your conditioned mindset crumble.

Liberation has knocked on your door, and perhaps for the first time in your history, something within you has chosen to open to its request before even knowing what awaits on the other side.

You may not know where you’ll be headed, but trust me when I tell you: it can only get better from here. It might seem scary, but nothing can stop you from taking the leap.

This is the emergence of life’s highest purpose: the birthing of a spiritually fueled reality. It’s time to let go, and leap, as a miraculous new world takes shape around you.

You have been brought here now for that very reason — to take these next exciting steps forward into a new world brimming with the joy of emotional freedom that only letting go can provide.

No matter the circumstances you currently face, the solution to each question, concern or existential crisis is letting go. To help you let go with as much peace and ease as possible, I am sharing with you the wisdom to help you find the light throughout life’s darkest tunnels.

By learning how to truly let go and be emotionally free, you maximize your infinite joy and fulfillment in a way that resonates with the details and demands of your modern-day world. You thrive in the presence of change. The mystery of outcome excites you instead of overwhelming you. Your passion invigorates you, and you act upon courageous decisions with unwavering clarity.

You have more natural patience and compassion for yourself and others. You are empathically in tune with other people’s experiences, while being aware of what is and isn’t a part of your experience. The infinite current of unconditional love nourishes your heart. It allows you to flow with reality, instead of attempting to control it. As you let go into the grace of emotional freedom, you are finally able to feel so effortlessly connected at all times to the Universe’s plan for you.

These are the magnificent milestones that become your personal testimony of life on planet Earth.

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Matt Kahn
Matt Kahn is a highly attuned empathic healer who has become an internet sensation with his transformational and often humorous videos. He is author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has a Plan (Hay House, March 2020). Matt has been listed as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World in 2020 by Watkins Magazine. His YouTube channel has drawn over 17 million views, helping people find the support they seek to feel more loved, awakened and open to life’s greatest possibilities. Visit


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