Natural Vibrations


It’s easy for global events to sway our emotions from recurring highs and lows. We need to find ways to stay in higher vibrations to balance our emotions, which harmonize our mind, body and soul. My favorite way to stay in balance is to spend time in nature.

For me, each step into nature is a journey that gently nudges us into its Divinity. It calms the mind and heals the soul while giving balance as it raises vibrations to a higher level to connect to the natural world. As my journey takes me deeper into its reach, each tree, flower and petal reach out to me like the hand of God, inviting me to come closer and see the uniqueness he creates in each of His masterpieces, including each of us.

As I approach the wild roses, I see the buds tightly wrapped, insulating themselves from the harshness of the world. As the weather warms, the buds are encouraged to let go of their grip and allow the world to enjoy their inner beauty. One by one, each petal tenderly unfolds to reveal the next layers, protecting it while also nurturing it. As the delicate inner beauty is exposed, its aroma comes forward to fill my senses with the Divine love He created it with. When the weather turns cold, the petals protect it from the harsh surroundings to keep it safe to bloom another day.

Just like the wild roses, we are free to enjoy the miraculous beauty nature affords us as we sway in the wind, waiting for encouragement to let go of fears and express our individual beauty.

My emotions are balanced in nature as my vibration rises higher. I too want to protect nature from the harshness of the world like it is a child with which God has greatly blessed me. For He offers His hand to all to bask in the glory He has created that works together to heal the world and us in it. God bless and blessed be, while our mind, body and soul are balanced with a more natural vibration as nature restores our emotions to new heights.

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