August Horoscope: Take a Deep Breath


Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac

The comet Neowise has been visible in the evening skies. Comets introduce new material into our planetary neighborhood. Astrologers historically associate comets with a year of ecological shifts, epidemics and regime changes, which are challenging and can break open potential for new growth and fresh leaders. Let’s take a deep breath while we can.

August begins as mental Mercury in introspective Cancer opposes intense Pluto and hard-working Saturn, a lineup that can whisper depression or help us understand the depth of our collective challenge. Mercury joins the Sun in outgoing Leo after August 4, normally a time for arts and music festivals, but this year we have to find a new way to engage the larger world.

Mars is now in feisty Aries for the next five months. Here it infuses energy, lowers impulse our control, irritates us and sharpens our rebellious spirit, all the while challenging us to love bravely. Mars squares expansive Jupiter on August 4, squares powerful Pluto on August 13, and squares Saturn on August 24, times when we need to direct our energy with love and purpose.

Uranus retrogrades on August 15, slowing down some impending change, but it doesn’t stop it. Fall approaches and needs us to plan ahead as Mercury enters Virgo August 19 and the Sun follows August 22. Mercury and Venus oppose Jupiter, trine Neptune at the end of August and help us dream the next chapter into being.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Your leadership is strong now, so aim carefully. Don’t overdo with competition or ambition in early August; pace yourself. Information from home can trigger some important reconsideration. Mid-August you know what needs transformation; stay in leadership mode and lead with heart.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Be straightforward in response to difficult words with community or siblings. Own up to your frustrations and deal with them cleanly and directly. Let life be a schoolroom and learn about yourself; investigate a new level of your personal history. Look for a door opening August 25–27.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Challenges around material resources can set off stress at work or community. Keep clean boundaries between your resources and others, and use your ingenuity to help find solutions. Your ability to create connection and mediate comes to the forefront after August 19.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)…You enjoy stirring the pot this month, intuitively knowing just the thing to say to upset the apple cart. Use that superpower with care rather than to just bait, beloveds. Choose your battles carefully, with a specific productive end goal, and tilt the situation towards good.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…When you are helpful to others, your sense of self grows and strengthens. Look for unsettling, but productive, changes the first week of August. Step into the limelight after August 5, then be ready to step back and assist others after August 22.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Take care of your health as the month begins; catch up on internal work, personal projects, community responsibilities, but mainly rest. Breathe through a setback the first week of August, then develop some juicy new work after August 19. Don’t worry, just activate.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Speak up in early August, even if it rocks the boat. If beloveds are unusually moody, assume they love you but are dealing with their own inner journey. Support people stepping in the right direction rather than fix a whole situation. Feel appreciation flow towards the end of the month.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…Get extra perspective and fresh education on some ongoing concerns as the month begins. Pay attention to avoid arguments and accidents August 4 and 24. Later in the month, do some important homework and then speak with wise authority around work concerns.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…If others seem to be all up in your business as the month begins, don’t get mad; just honor their concerns and listen to them, but focus on your will path. Sidestep arguments August 4, but take on a healthy challenge. Express what you love mid-month. Coordinate with beloveds August 25-29.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…New input could shake up some corner of your personal identity. Listen to the incoming information, assess it for yourself, and enjoy the evolution of your self-concept. If your family or neighbors act out, step back and choose battles judiciously; new chapters are beginning.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…You may have been chewing on a concern for the last two years, and you’re working to bring it to conclusion this fall. Deal with temporary frustration but do the work August 24. Seeds you planted earlier begin to sprout after August 5 and continue in the months ahead.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Your kind heart can hurt for the challenges your friends experience, and that can shut you down or crack open your potential. You don’t have to fix everyone, but keep your heart open; lend a hand when you can do so in a centered and healthy way.

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find Heather's weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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