November Horoscope: Find Truth


Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac

November begins foggy and tumultuous with both Mercury and Mars retrograde. It’s hard to see what’s really going on, and people have a strong emotional charge. We need to peer through the fog of potential misunderstandings and misinformation, and look for truth, both in our politics and in our personal life. Mercury turns direct on the morning of November 3, halfway through our national election. Once Mercury is direct, the communications and technical snafus straighten out, but they could be complicated on voting day, so plan ahead.

Emotions run high through the first week of November as Venus in Libra opposes Mars retrograde in Aries. Mercury enters Scorpio on November 10 and helps us investigate a mystery. We may pick up a project where we left off mid-October. Mars turns direct on November 13, stirring up conflict, but then the confusion clears and momentum resumes.

Thanksgiving requires us to be creative and openhearted, to actively look for blessings to be grateful for. Be prepared to suspend traditions for a year and make the best of what is available as Venus opposes Uranus and requires adjustments. The sun enters truth-seeking Sagittarius November 21, and a full moon/eclipse in Gemini on November 30 initiates a fresh conversation.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Your challenge is to aid emotional stability rather than deepen the storm as this month begins. After November 14, the emotional waves calm down, and it’s time to launch a new phase of your work. Think through your intent, then make a clear and true statement around November 21.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Be stubborn and grounded as the month begins. Then stretch your flexibility around November 9. Hold on with a loose hand; some people, things and preconceptions need to be released mid-month. Find comfort in the new forms over Thanksgiving. Be truthful with yourself around your resources in late November.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Track thoughts and important items carefully through November 4. Be a leader in the conversation mid-month as Mercury opposes Uranus. No need to provoke, life will do that; help people process the changes. Prepare to end a chapter and begin a new one around the eclipse November 3.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)…The emotional swings of early November are not about you; don’t take it personally. When in doubt, rely on good relationship skills and work therapy to stabilize the feelings. People need your sense of coziness over the holidays, even if you have to reinvent the form. Receive gratitude.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…The first week of November may be tumultuous, but action towards your vision comes back by November 9 as the sun trines Neptune. A doorway opens as the sun enters Sagittarius. If the late November eclipse triggers some challenge to invest or invent, do so under your own terms.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Take good care of yourself through early November’s roller coaster. Spend the second week checking in with beloveds; share personal truths and engage great conversations of the heart. Expect some adjustments around work direction mid-month and then throw yourself into a project dear to your heart.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Engage interesting conversations about your role in the world early November. Be your shining tactfully honest self, without enabling, as Venus opposed Mars around November 9, and then weave your social magic mid-month. November 19-22 could bring some tricky karmic tasks, but offer an opportunity to build trust.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You’re in the spotlight, often not a place you feel comfortable; choose how you want to be seen. Speak thoughtfully in early November, especially in emotionally charged situations. Appreciate fresh focus when Mercury enters Scorpio November 10. Step back into your privacy as Venus enters Scorpio November 21.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Your easy enthusiasm can help others over rocky terrain early in the month. You hit the spotlight after November 21. How do you want to shine? Think about what changes to make on the eclipse November 30: what you’d like to release and what you want to invoke.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…Next year will most likely be easier. For now, find constructive ways to deal with problems created by people around you that are irrational and emotional. Don’t be impatient with them when you have a great solution and they don’t want to hear it; they’re just not quite ready.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Be willing to be seen. Take any opportunity to step away from responsibility for a few minutes and be playful mid-month. Keep the art supplies handy and express yourself creatively when it’s hard to express yourself interpersonally. Your neighborhood expands and the conversation opens after November 23.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Practice great self-care so you can be there for others during the early November roller coaster. Step into another layer of your own empowerment mid-month as Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, and just do it with gentleness to your soul. Late November can instigate changes at home, so help make them good changes.

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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