A Fond Farewell from The Edge’s Proofreader


Hello from your fellow journeyer on the so ably steered ship of The Edge for these past 25 years — and proofreader of The Edge, which I have done carefully and happily for my husband.

I am thankful for all the contributors, both articles and advertising, as I have learned much from them, and attended many events and classes alongside you. Proofreading The Edge each month has truly been a treasured joy for me throughout all of these years.

I also enjoyed meeting many of you who are part of our holistic, metaphysical community during expos, events and my Reiki training classes and holistic healing sessions.

Blessings to the next incarnation of The Edge, and its stewards, as it continues to keep the hearts of our wonderful community connected, via words, services and events. As for myself, my Reiki practice has shifted to one focused on absentee healing sessions. Namasté to you all, as we expand in the knowledge and experience of ourselves and the All. Love, Light, Peace, Joy.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Rachel Miejan
Rachel Miejan is a Reiki Master. Her website is ReikibyMiejan.com. Feel free to contact her at rachel.miejan@gmail.com.


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