To Tim & Cathy & Everyone Who has Supported The Edge


Thank you.

Thank you for your years of often unnoticed service to our community. Your hard, hard work behind the scenes, of sleepless nights and financial worries, your commitment to a transformative arena.

I recently looked through The Edge archive from your 25th birthday, with lists of authors and teachers who visited the Twin Cities, article highlights and noted authors, events from those early years. This was a flashback to my life.

My formative spiritual years were in major part because of The Edge. I would be sure to pick it up on the first of each month to devour the articles, search the events for the next New Age class I could take, and discover practitioners around the area who could help me grow. Those years, those connections, and the innumerable friends I have made since 1996 are what helped create the person I am today.

Fond memories of having my first and many booths at The Edge Expo, working until we were exhausted, but loving every minute of it, and the dinner gatherings afterwards with fellow vendors. Studying Reiki with Dale and Sheryl Fisher. Finding Lightsmith and the wisdom of Chris LaFontaine and Michele Mayama. Learning from Jean Wallis, Marilyn and Thomas Twintreess, Echo Bodine, Lee Carroll, Neale Donald Walsh, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden. I would not have known any of these people without The Edge. They have helped form me as a person, and I value each and every one. My heart swells with love for everything The Edge has brought for me.

You did this for me. For us. The team at The Edge did more than just put a newspaper together. You created a community that was ahead of its time in so many ways. You brought these authors and teachers to our area. You provided the space for us to spiritually grow, both personally and communally.

You should be so very, very proud of your huge accomplishments.

I hope you all find comfort knowing that you served us so well for all these years and have helped guide many people to an enlightened life. Big huge unending gratitude and love to you all.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Jennifer Salness
Jennifer Salness is a Crystal Intuitive and Teacher, and owner of a crystal lifestyle company. Her passion for crystals and stones began at a young age, thanks to her science teacher grandfather who always had “rocks” around the house. She has written for publications, presented classes in person and online, presented workshops at events around the U.S., and has been a guest on radio and internet shows sharing about the crystal realm. Visit


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