Card of the Week – September 21, 2021

Tarot from Conscience (or the Traveling Moth)

A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of GroupTarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.

Partial content copyright 2021 GroupTarot, week of June 13, 2021. Used with permission.


13s are sacred and important numbers for me.

They are lucky and magickal, and since celebrating my thirteenth anniversary in Portland, more than a few years ago, I’ve offered #13for13. So to celebrate my thirteenth week writing this column, the first thirteen people to comment, will get a single card pulled and wisdom shared.

Modern Witch has been humming! This time wanting to share the Nine of Pentacles with us.

What a perfect card as the Northern Hemisphere is largely in a height of harvesting! And will be celebrating the Autumn Equinox tomorrow!!!

And happy Spring Equinox Southern Hemisphere friends.

This illustration has so much in common with Pamela Coleman-Smith’s 7 of Pentacles depiction as well as the Nine.

The big difference: the waiting is over and it’s time to harvest! Reap the benefits of your work and patience. Enjoy the sustenance you’ve grown – and if you’re not enjoying what is bountiful in your life, we’re coming up on the last Mercury Retrograde of 2021, which is an excellent time to reflect.

What did you do that brought about your current enclosures? What can you do differently next time if you’re reaping brussel sprouts when you thought you planted butter lettuce? In most things, there’s a mix within and out of your control. How much rain, wind, sun, and birdsong your plants received is outside your control. Watering more, weeding, singing to the land is within your control.

When I was first studying Tarot, I nicknamed this card “The Secret Garden card” after my then favorite book. There’s great magick and hard work and collaboration needed to turn a seemingly dead expanse of land into a beautiful, fruiting, sustainable landscape.

You’ve done that work.


Enjoy eating the fruits – and veggies – of your labors. You’ve earned it.

As Delphine says in Broken Heart Spread by Claire Willett (full disclosure, I was their Tarot Consultant)

“Magick is hard fucking work.”

It is. And you’re doing it.
Keep it up.
After eating some of your bounty and getting a good night’s sleep.

More about the deck’s creator –

To purchase this deck – Lisa has some third party links on her website, but I always recommend contacting your local brick & mortar first.

Further recommended reading – This is a little more sideways than usual, however theatre is a huge part of my soul and I love that The Theatre Company commissioned Claire to write a beautiful piece about the day in a life of an excellent Tarot reader. Check them out –


By Kate Mura, Owner of Group Tarot and Creator of Conscience (or the Traveling Moth)

Find out more about Kate in her YouTube interview Welcome to Group Tarot with Kate Mura

Special Offer for The Edge Community

Use promo code “TheEdge” for 25% off Kate Mura’s readings and private coaching

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“I do find the New Moon Group Tarot event to be ever-so-wonderful. Your energy, as perceived by me, is suffused with warmth/friendship/vitality. Amazingly this energy is perceived even when channeled by Zoom.” David Browning, regular participant.

Every month with the exact New Moon, Kate facilitates a New Moon Group Tarot reading.

In addition to shared community and seeing how your individual path aligns with the group’s, every month donations received are shared 50/50 with different b.e.s.t.* organizations. You will be invited to donate through Venmo or PayPal at completion of the session. All events are Live Captioned for Deaf/HOH. Register here

*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.




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