Emerging Possibilities


What a time of emerging possibilities we are living in! It is exciting, exhilarating, scary and uncertain all rolled into one simultaneous experience.

How do I navigate, make sense, integrate, and embody this time of transformation in my experience of being human?

How do I support my students and clients in their process of becoming more authentic, whole, and empowered?

For me, words are useful. Here are some of the words emerging to support clarity for myself and those I serve. What words would you use to describe your evolving wisdom and compassion?

For me, there is a lot of UNdoing and REconsidering happening… I AM Experiencing:

UNhooking UNcertainty UNprogramming
UNconditioning UNprecidence UNwiring
UNlearning UNdoing UNsettling
UNcomfortable UNfamiliar UNraveling
REstructuring REmembering REgenerating
REigniting REleasing REcycling
REsolving REweaving REturning

IT IS A LOT!!! So much surrendering to what is being required.

surrender into the moment

I AM breathing deeper, loving longer, and surrendering into the moment more often. I am remembering each person is having their own experience of fear and joy, and every person counts. I sit with the sorrow and pain, and I dance with the celebration and delight.

I AM grateful to be spirit having a human life during this spectacular time of accelerated growth on the planet.

I AM grateful to be sharing this journey with YOU!

Thank you,
Michele Rae
Learn more about Michele Rae and The Center Within


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Michele Rae
Michele Rae, MA, NBC-HWC is a master transformational coach, founder of The Center Within, and author of Living from the "Center Within: Co-creating who you are becoming". She coaches individuals and groups and offers a variety of online recorded and in person courses. Michele provides guidance navigating the transformative shift we are individually and collectively engaged in as we expand our awareness and access higher consciousness. Michele’s varied experiences and training woven with her deep intuitive capacity accelerates and amplifies her client’s desires to manifest their full potential. Her passion is supporting individuals and service groups choosing timelines that have the most positive outcomes for themselves and the greater collective. She delights as clients and students step more fully into their power and release what no longer serves while creating a holistic life they love personally and professionally. Thank YOU for all you provide for me and our community!


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