Starcodes: December 24-30


Starcodes week of December 24-30, 2021

The stars point to a very different Christmas this year. It will suffer if we compare it to Christmases past or try to make it just like normal, but can be a beautiful time- heartfelt and close- perfect in its own way, if we leave the comparisons alone.

We enter a deep turning point in this magical week between Christmas and new year, that Bardo moment between the years. Many plans will be canceled or changed at the last minute as Saturn finishes its third of three squares to Uranus this year. An aspect which called for constant adjustments in our plans and shifted tectonic plates, family dynamics, political alliances incrementally but profoundly. Mercury conjunct Pluto this week bring our mind more to what’s missing, what we’ve lost, and making it hard to see what we can plant in the newly-cleared ground. But the new year will bring many changes.

There is a great old child’s story “It could always be worse”, a story where one family complained to their Rabbi how crowded they are, how miserable they are, always fighting. The Rabbi said “bring a chicken into your house”, and after much protest they did. They returned to say “we have all the same problems – only now with feathers in the soup”! So he replied “ bring in your goat” and they did. The family soon returned with the same complaints, but now with added bruises from the goat.  Slowly the Rabbi worked through all their farm animals until it was a crowded cacophonous chaos. Now the Rabbi said “take out all the animals” – and they came back in bliss, so grateful for all the room, the calm, peace, and resource. It could always be worse. The world has played this on us several times over the last few years – and is doing so again now. But it could always be even worse. For a minute think about your situation with your version of all the barnyard animals – with all the things that could go wrong – but may not be at this very moment. And start there. Find new gratitude. As Venus and Mercury conjunct Pluto this week, find joy in what is, find gratitude for what matters. And get the horse out of the kitchen.

This Christmas Eve a thoughtful Virgo Moon could either make us picky and cranky, or put us in a healing mindset, it’s up to us to turn our thoughts that way. Over this holiday weekend several major aspects can bring our minds to events or memories which remind us to stop sweating the small stuff.

Sunday through early in the week, a sociable Libra moon and encourages creative or spiritual efforts. And makes it a good time for a year-end spiritual reassessment or massive creative endeavor. Keep the art supplies handy.

Mid-week we may need some time alone or to throw ourselves into that personal project and avoid difficult relatives as the Moon enters Scorpio, Mars semi squares Pluto, and Mars quincunx Uranus. Stay safe and stay open to possibilities.

On Thursday, Mercury conjunct Pluto which can help us concentrate, finish up work but can also bring our thoughts to our worries and concerns. Watch where minds and hearts go and make no assumptions about the future. Changes will be seeping in during the new year- Jupiter enters Pisces, one of its home signs- on Tuesday and infuses quiet luck and the potential for compassion as a motivating force in the year ahead.

Friday, December 24: Keep all plans flexible as Saturn squares Uranus and shakes up our systems, routines, and traditions. Dance with that Virgo Moon and let it wake sympathy rather than crankiness. Laugh at odd slapstick moments and find ways of sharing support. Cranky accidents are more likely late afternoon as the Moon squares Mars, but tonight an inventive Moon-Uranus trine encourages us to celebrate what is, not what should’ve been. Keep the heart warm.

Saturn square Uranus 12:16 AM, Moon enters Virgo 1:24 AM, Sun trine the Moon 7:04 AM, Moon square Mars 4:52 PM, Moon trine Uranus 10:24 PM.

Saturday, December 25: Remember what matters and let go all the rest as Venus conjunct Pluto this morning. Spend a few moments with memories and then returned to the present. Honor waves of emotions and check in on all lonely people and straggling family members. Let those phone and zoom lines ring: communication soothes the soul as the Moon trines Mercury. Dinner time our attention wafts as the Moon opposes Neptune, enjoy the magic of the moment and don’t worry about keeping a schedule.

Mars trine Chiron 3:37 AM, Venus conjunct Pluto 5:01 AM, Moon trine Mercury 1:08 PM, Moon opposed Neptune 4:07 PM.

Sunday, December 26: Listen to healing dreams this morning; meditations and prayers may offer clues to needed steps forward. We may need more time with friends than family under a sociable Libra Moon. Mercury sextiles Neptune and helps us find ingenious solutions and moments of interpersonal magic, and share stories by the fire.

Moon trine Venus 1:11 AM, Moon trine Pluto 1:39 AM, Moon enters Libra 9:23 AM, Mercury sex tile Neptune to 20 8 PM, Moon square son 7:23 PM.

Monday, December 27: The Libra Moon can bring an interpersonal graciousness while dealing with business, strangers, and practical stuff. Closest relationships could feel friction as Venus semi-squares Mars, so let each person find their way rather than try to coordinate collective adventure.

Moon sextile Mars 3:06 AM, Moon trine Saturn 5:55 AM, Venus semi-sex tile Mars 10:31 AM.

Tuesday, December 28: Consider a solo retreat or a few moments alone to prepare for the new year  as the Moon enters solitude-loving Scorpio Moon this afternoon. Back away from interpersonal friction as Mars quincunx Uranus and makes us irritable around dinner time, let go of need and blame, and look within.  Jupiter enters Pisces and brings a gentle potential for a new opening, for Spirit, in 2022.

Moon square Mercury 1:56 AM, Moon square Venus 5:19 AM, Moon square Pluto 7:06 AM, Mars semi-square Pluto 12:22 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 2:10 PM, Moon enters Scorpio 2:16 PM, Mars quincunx Uranus 6:03 PM, Jupiter enters Pisces 9:09 PM.

Wednesday, December 29: Make something beautiful today. Carve, build a snow-person, write a story, play blocks with the kid as Mercury and Venus conjunct in pragmatic Capricorn and Mars sextiles Saturn. Form follows function, bond over creating beauty. Choose not to try and control beloveds, tempting though it may be, and accept their eccentricities as an act of love.

Mercury conjunct Venus 3:27 AM, Moon sextile Sun 3:42 AM, Moon opposed to Uranus 8:51 AM, Moon square Saturn 9:57 AM, Sun square Chiron 4:53 PM, Mars sextile Saturn 6:21 PM.

Thursday, December 30: Avoid sudden decisions as Mercury conjunct Pluto, as we can feel potentially depressed notice and urge to cut things out. Weed inessentials, step towards well-considered long-term plans, but move slowly on sudden impulses or conclusions. Midafternoon the Moon enters upbeat Sagittarius and squares Jupiter- and it will be easier to notice the storm clouds’ silver lining.

Moon trine Neptune 12:51 AM, Mercury conjunct Pluto 2:53 AM, Moon sex tile Venus 6:18 PM, Moon sex tile Pluto 9:27 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 10:09 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 4:08 PM, Moon square Jupiter 4:42 PM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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