Tarot from Conscience (or the Traveling Moth)
A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of GroupTarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.
Partial content copyright 2022 GroupTarot. Used with permission.
Hello again from New Mexico!
It’s sunny and windy here.
I keep thinking there are hot air balloons right outside the house, then realize, “nope, that’s the wind.”
That’s the wind! That’s how gusty it is around our, straw bale, metal roof with solar panels, surrounded by rain barrels and rattling rain chains, house!
It makes me extra grateful for my mom’s intentional planning and planting of the garden here. Lots of native plants and bushes and vines that get surprisingly tall. They are excellent wind breaks and keep the dust levels lower than many other places in the high deserts of Diné, Pueblo, Zuni, and Jicarilla Apache lands.
Today’s Card of the Week comes from Benebell Wen’s Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, The Revelation edition. It was a Yule present from my sweetie and is GLORIOUS. The levels of complexity in the images come from immaculate research, channeling, and overlapping of multiple spiritual traditions.
What I am most excited to learn through studying this deck is the I Ching. Part of Benebell’s personal ethnobiography – publicly shared on her website – is as a Taiwanese American, so the I Ching is very much a part of her personal lineage. It is a modality I have studied very little because it is not a part of my ethnobiography at all, yet I am curious! Spirit Keepers Tarot is a perfect overlap of worlds I am very much a part of, and worlds that are new to me.
Despite everything going on in the world – and there’s A LOT! We only have a measure of control over the geopolitical landscape. It fosters great spell casting opportunities and creative mutual aid – yeah people of the world booking Air BnB’s in Ukraine they have no plan on using! Many of those rooms were housing refugees at no cost anyway. What started as folx sharing the idea on social media friend to friend, now has articles written about the 2M in aid folx like you and I have raised in days. There’s also whatever might be going on in your personal life. This week I, and others, helped a friend escape an abusive home situation and I am giving my mom some caregiving relief.
There’s a lot.
I don’t know if y’all saw the meme going around with a “warning low battery” image, saying something like “you wouldn’t let this happen to your cell phone. Self care is necessary.”
Now, I 100% would allow that to happen to my cell phone battery. Which was an interesting thought for me to have, as I knew the meme was centering self care.
Do I let myself become 100% depleted before filling up?
I definitely used to and can still get dangerously close.
Do I always allow myself to fill up 100% afterwards – as is healthiest for batteries and probably bodies?
I do refill and recharge, have a dance party in my kitchen or living room, take a walk, eat some amazing chocolate, chat with a friend who will really listen to me, write, create art, but does this bring me up to 100%?
If I’m really honest with myself, no. It doesn’t. It brings me back to 75 – 90% which feels MARVELOUS after operating at 30-50% energetic capacity.
Pulling Card of the Week is one way I recharge. Recenter the cards, reflect on my needs, the community’s needs, the world’s needs, and what the card has to say about them.
All that in mind, Spirit Keeper’s Tarot gives us,
Holy Grail
Ace of Cups: The Purifying, inverted.
Ha! The cards always know!
We can’t do our spiritual work with an empty cup!
Nor our healing, loving, purifying work, either.
What is flowing out of you? Is the waterfall sustainable? I love how inverted this image looks like a beautiful fountain pouring down on snowy mountains and clouds.
Is there an inexhaustible energy source within the sacred cup? Sometimes also seen as the yoni, Divine Feminine (which of course is in all bodies regardless of sex/gender). Can you tap into your center to refill and recharge? Can you submerge in bodies of water or envision yourself in a marvelous healing womb?
Benebell intends this to be a card of profound peace and love – a challenge to maintain when there is ongoing war. Living peace is an ongoing practice.
This card is also an invitation for that which fills your cup to wash away past hurts and ills – maybe a purge and a cleaning of the chalice – metaphorical or literal – needs to happen before refilling begins.
It is filled with beneficence, charity, and grace – which we are definitely seeing from the life forces who share this spinning watery orb in the multiverse. SO MANY MORE people are against the war, and are doing things within their power to help, from leaving baby strollers at train stations, to Poles standing with signs in Russian, Ukrainian, and English saying how many they can house, to theatre and bridges changing their lights to yellow and blue, to witches putting Putin and the war on ice.
There’s always something you can do, even if it’s just drink a glass of water with gratitude in your heart.
The I Ching shown is the symbol for water, there is also the alchemical symbol and the Mayan symbol for the number eleven (11). I wonder what will happen on Friday! Or at the eleventh hour…
So… what is your Grail Quest? And what do you need to do emotionally and spiritually to prepare for this journey?
Drink deep and recharge to flip this cup and fill it up again to be able to heal and nourish yourself.
Can’t help others if you’re on empty.
Learn more about the creator – https://benebellwen.com
Order this deck – Well, actually get on the waiting list for another printing. Support indie deck creators! https://benebellwen.com/skt/pre-order/
Further recommended reading – Regular folks booking Air BnB’s as aid for Ukraine. https://npr.org/2022/03/05/1084739721/airbnb-ukraine-direct-aid/
All the b.e.s.t,
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“I do find the New Moon Group Tarot event to be ever-so-wonderful. Your energy, as perceived by me, is suffused with warmth/friendship/vitality. Amazingly this energy is perceived even when channeled by Zoom.” David Browning, regular participant.
Every month with the exact New Moon, Kate facilitates a New Moon Group Tarot reading.
In addition to shared community and seeing how your individual path aligns with the group’s, every month donations received are shared 50/50 with different b.e.s.t.* organizations. You will be invited to donate through Venmo or PayPal at completion of the session. All events are Live Captioned for Deaf/HOH. Register here
*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.