Starcodes: March 4-10


Starcodes week of March 4-10, 2022

Launch all good things this week. The stars propel us to put action to our passion so let’s use this momentum well. Rather than dominating a neighboring country, we can work towards protection, healing, and purpose. Start something wonderful. This is a powerful time, don’t let the bad guys be the only ones stepping forward.

Global events percolate as the weekend begins under an active Aries Moon and as the Sun conjunct liberating Jupiter; together they bring our thoughts towards freedom, expansion and growth. Jupiter approaches a conjunction with Neptune, exact in April, which encourages us to idealize- Neptune- the concept of freedom, though we may not agree on what that looks like. We could be painfully aware of martyrs to this cause as it occurs in vulnerable Pisces.

It usually takes a crisis- or obvious bad guy, as Vladimir Putin plays so clearly- to unite strange allies and bring people together. Over the weekend Venus and Mars enter community-oriented Aquarius to cheer on this wild global collaboration.

Now let’s try and harness this collective attitude towards climate change. Venus and Mars run conjunct for a few more weeks and encourage passionate engagement in both our relationships and in our efforts to make this world a better place. This isn’t a particularly cuddly or romantic conjunction, we may need a common goal in our personal relationships to harness its wonderful power.

Midweek brings hopes for negotiations as the Gemini Moon trines Venus and Mars, and we can all engage a great conversation. Mercury enters Pisces on Wednesday, which brings our awareness to our vulnerabilities but can help us use our Pisces- stimulated intuition, imagination, and faith to find a way forward.

The Sun is activating, popping off some major solar flares. See space The last solar cycle, cycle 24, has just come to a close, and the new cycle 25 is finally taking off. The Sun appears to act as the volume control on our world history, we can vaguely predict its cycles, but the Sun works at its own time. We have noticed throughout history that It’s very hard to get political change activated when the Sun is quiet, but now it’s been beginning to cook. When the Sun activates, people search for new answers and history layers up the plot twists. Let’s help steer this in a good direction.

Image by Eberhard Grossgasteiger from Unsplash

Friday, March 4: Listen and respond to events close to home and far away, so much can happen. The Sun conjuncts Jupiter and offers potential for some freeing or liberating perspective, Mercury lingers near serious Saturn to encourage thoughtful deliberation and deep engagement. Venus and Mars walk together under a rebellious, action-oriented Aries Moon. Momentum builds, clear the road and make sure it’s that momentum is heading in a good direction. Notice any old pain or scar tissues that needs healing, PTSD stirred up by events. Don’t feel the need to control others but do stay in control of personal space. Encourage positive enthusiasm.

Moon conjunct Chiron 1:11 PM.

Saturday, March 5: It could be the best of days and the worst of days. Or the aspects could neutralize out and be rather ordinary. It furthers to connect, collect, and coordinate on this day of mixed blessings with potential dastardly deeds. The Sun conjuncts expansive Jupiter and offers a liberating perspective while Aries Moon squares Pluto and conjures rebellion, frustration. Venus and Mars leave weeks in Capricorn and enter Aquarius this evening and call for – not emotional intimacy – but connection with the body politic.

Moon sextile Saturn 4:55 AM, Jupiter 7:06 AM, Moon sextile mercury 12:48 PM, Moon square Pluto 9:01 PM, Mars enters Aquarius 11:22 PM, Venus enters Aquarius 11:29 PM.

Sunday, March 6: Listen for events and dreams this morning. Don’t read free-floating anxiety about world events into personal relationships, support one another instead. Overnight Venus and Mars conjunct overnight at 0° Aquarius and started a new collective sense, Pluto will hit this degree next year, look to this weekend for hints of the chapters ahead. During the day the Moon enters Taurus, and squares Venus and Mars, Venus and Mars also semi-square Jupiter. Events resonate throughout the day, check in and stabilize loves, homes, family – invest in what matters.

Venus conjunct Mars 12:12 AM, the Moon enters Taurus 12:59 AM, Moon square Mars 1:05 AM, Moon square Venus 1:06 AM, Venus semi-square Jupiter 4:49 AM, Mars 70 square Jupiter 5:56 AM, Moon conjunct Uranus 11:37 PM.

Monday, March 7: It can be hard to get moving, easy to feel overwhelmed and in need of comfort food this morning, tough memories or worries could arise as Mercury semi-squares Chiron under comfort loving and stubborn Taurus Moon. Watch where the mind goes and don’t follow thoughts down the rabbit hole, stay present. Be gentle on one another and get grounded in the practical needs of the moment, particularly mid-afternoon as the Moon squares Saturn. Offer one another comfort and optimism tonight, even if it’s a stretch.

Mercury semi-square Chiron 2:16 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 6:49 AM, Moon sextile Sun 10:02 AM, Moon square Saturn 2:55 PM, Moon sex tile Neptune 9:02 PM.

Tuesday, March 8: Poignant moody moments this morning as the Moon trines deep Pluto. Deal with any tough news or assignment on the table, but do not get lost within. Feel the energy shift, conversations grow more productive as the Moon enters Gemini midday. Evening brings a flirtatious, potentially scintillating and productive time as the Moon trines Mars and Venus. Converse with beloveds.

Moon square Mercury 7:04 AM, Moon trine Pluto 7:34 AM, Moon enters Gemini 11:39 AM, Moon trine Mars 3:40 PM, Moon trine Venus 4:27 PM.

Wednesday, March 9: Mercury joins Jupiter, the Sun, and Neptune in Pisces, we can feel easily overwhelmed if we take in too much at once. Our sensitivities can leave us painfully aware of the world’s rough sandpaper. We are unusually sensitive to harsh words from beloveds- so speak with consciousness. It furthers to vision, brainstorm, imagine, daydream solutions, notice subtle clues and cues, share kindness and prayer and imagination, all Piscean gifts which can direct our sensitivities productively. Feel a gentle wind of optimism wherever the weeds part.

Mercury enters Pisces 6:32 PM, Moon squares Jupiter 8:06 PM.

Thursday, March 10: It’s easy to feel ungrounded, caught up in our thoughts or feelings, caught up in events under a nervy Gemini Moon – as the Moon squares the Sun and Neptune, and as Venus and Mars run conjunct in theoretical Aquarius. So it furthers to feel our feet underneath us, walk on the earth, deal with one practical thing at a time and build a vessel for our emotions.

Moon squares Sun 3:45 AM, Moon trine Saturn 3:47 AM, Moon square Neptune 9:42 AM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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