There is no denying the intensity of this human existence. Our mortality is a consideration upon who’s edge we must tread lightly. So many wars and so much economic turbulence. So much struggle and so much strife. As a civilization we seem to be balanced precariously between total annihilation and whatever distractions we can find to try to assuage our fears. Amidst the intensities and crises, the fears and the anxieties, we’ve come to the Rhythmic Intention in the circle of the year where we must learn to find our center, ground our energy, calm our minds, and relax and restore our bodies.
Welcome to our New Taurus Moon, exact at 3:27pm on Saturday, April 30. It is with this Lunation that we are asked to set revolutionary new intentions for stabilizing our nervous systems, calming our emotional intensities, and increasing our focus on being grateful for, sustaining, and maintaining what resources we do have. This being an eclipse, an energetic rebooting, it intensifies the need for our conscious engagement. Eclipses are magnificent opportunities for breaking old patterns and starting fresh new ones.
Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay
One remedy for finding this needed peace amidst whatever emotional, psychological, spiritual, or other cauldron that we find ourselves in is remembering to focus on our instinctual, natural, body wisdom. The world can be freaking out around us but if we can stabilize our body (and heart rate and perhaps endorphins and maybe even neurotransmitters and…) then we are one step closer to happiness.
We must first remember to breathe! We feel our body and imagine relaxing the tense places. What happens next is we may want to stretch our bodies. Reaching our arms across the horizon and feeling our feet sending roots deeply into the ground we can remember that we are made of starlight encapsulated in an animal of the Earth. And the wisdom of the Earth holds all of our answers.
It is time, personally and collectively, to reestablish our natural and ancient connection with the wisdom inherent in the Earth. We must pay closer attention to her rhythms and her seasonal motivations. We then see how her seasons ebb and flow within US. There is wisdom there. There are resources there. We find abundance there.
How is our relationship with the food we eat? What about the products we use? Can our feeling of connection with them help us to remember a natural, instinctual, peace and simplicity? What about the soil? Have you put your hands in any soil lately? Have you dug your fingernails into it and grabbed a handful and pressed it up to your nose lately? You’re made of that. We will all return to that. Life, made in the stars, grown from the Earth.
With this New Moon, amidst all of the spectrum of human drama and complexity, let us remember our roots. Let’s remember to be a body. Let’s remember that the Earth is our Mother, we must take care of her. Let’s reestablish a healthy relationship with the Natural World. Trust your process, make deliberate choices, be grateful for what you have and nurture it, connect deeply with your body, and relax in confidence at the burgeoning Spring, within and without.
– Courtesy of Evolutionary Astrology with Ryan Evans
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