Starcodes: April 29 – May 5


Starcodes for the week of April 29 – May 5, 2022

Look east just before sunrise to see a most beautiful conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in sensitive Pisces and know that Neptune hovers just out of sight nearby. This combination can make us feel unusually sensitive and keep us drifting and dreaming with low energy levels, but still bathe us in warmth and awe. Heart and spirit further, dreams can flood in, but all else can feel a bit swampy. Jupiter and Neptune are co-rulers of Pisces and Venus is exalted in Pisces.

This is a beautiful and subtle conjunction that can leave our heart brimming with emotion. We can feel fed by beauty, the beauty of the daffodil or unfurling leaf, the beauty of a kind gesture. It can help us feel more idealistic in our worldview, but also sensitize us to the fact that the world is so far from those ideals. It opens our heart to the woes of the world and can leave us weeping for the earth itself. Some more local problem can feel too complex and knotted to know where to start. We could also feel overwhelmed, longing, need to process recent griefs. Those who don’t feel they have a way to express their love in the world can bring resentment. It can be easy take on guilt that is not ours or project that guilt upon others and look for who’s at fault. But that won’t help.

With all these feelings is important not to get lost in the overwhelm but instead let those feelings flow into action. We can activate the positive Pisces by dreaming of solutions and find a way through. Then tackle one problem at a time. Consciously remember what brings gratitude. And bring our mind to those beautiful death, that unfurling leaf, the sound of baby bird song and new life arising.

But before this mushy and sensitive weekend, after low energy, dreamy, moody and often confusing Piscean week, Friday brings a fierce and busy Aries Moon squares Pluto and can precipitate some tough personal decisions. We could also see some major moves on the world’s chessboard. Mercury enters Gemini late on Friday and wakes up our mind, over the next few weeks this Mercury will help us multitask, communicate, and travel but can still keep us easily distracted, like a dog around squirrels.

On Saturday an earthy, fecund Taurus new Moon/ solar eclipse (seen only in the southern hemisphere) inaugurates the most fertile time of the year to plant seeds, begin projects, or make a baby. Let’s plant in the garden of life whatever we want to grow in the following year, food, corn, seedlings ideas projects new loves, new organizations. Eclipses can act as astrological acupuncture and ask us to let go and clear the ground before we begin anew. Because what we plant now will grow, let’s be careful what we start.

On Monday Venus enters Aries and shifts our emotions into action, we could feel less vulnerable or overwhelmed but become more reactive. Mars semi-squares Pluto and adds a certain irritability which can act like a grain of sand and just leave us edgy or help us make pearls. For most of us these aspects just loan us energy to do what needs to be done, but it also could pour fuel into combustive places.

Jupiter sextiles Pluto on Tuesday, a subtle but complex aspect. Jupiter, the largest planets, can both liberate and bring abundance. Abundance of Pluto can be problematic. It can bring the liberation of death and rebirth; when Jupiter and Pluto conjunct 3x in 2020 it synchronized with the peaks of covid death toll here in America. But this aspect can also open up some stuck power dynamic and give us more access to our resources or liberate us from some haunting memory, oppression, or fear cloaking us and encourage us to flower in the months ahead. Reach for that expansion.

Image by Kyle Goetsch from Unsplash

Friday, April 29: The mood is active and competent, though we’ll wish we had more energy under this Aries Moon. Pluto stations to retrograde and underlines interpersonal and political power dynamics and questions of life force. Mid-afternoon discontent and misunderstandings can improve towards dinner time through better communication as Mercury enters Gemini and the Moon enters Taurus tonight, so talk out the issues later.

Moon sextile Saturn 7:15 AM, Pluto stations retrograde 12:35 PM, Sun semi-square Neptune 3:07 PM, Moon square Pluto 3:38 PM, Mercury enters Gemini 4:22 PM, Moon enters Taurus 18 p.m.

Saturday, April 30: The morning can be slow and cuddly, keep a steady pace under the dark of the Moon in Taurus. The new Moon lunar eclipse occurs at 2:27 PM, the Venus -Jupiter conjunction less than an hour later, bringing powerful moments to know our hearts and plant seeds for the future. Let’s be careful what we plant and do so with clear intention. Complex conflicting aspects can bring joy and floods, competition and support. Do something practical with this energy and begin beautiful things.

2:27 PM (in the Southern Pacific and southern South America- 10° of Taurus, Venus conjunct Jupiter 27° Pisces 3:13 PM, Moon sextile Mars 5:23 PM, Moon conjunct Uranus 10:23 PM.

Sunday, May 1: Scatter May flowers, dance the Maypole on this lovely and poignant Beltane. Venus sextiles Pluto and asks us to take responsibility for our personal emotional condition, our loneliness or connection, what weighs on our souls or brings delight to our heart, and take action to make it better. Expect some logistical difficulties or tiredness around dinner time, with the potential for magic before and afterwards.

Venus sextile Pluto 4:37 AM, Moon square Saturn 5:32 PM, Moon sextile Neptune 6:03 PM.

Monday, May 2: The conversation picks up, writing and media outreach get easier, but it may be hard to focus with Mercury and the Moon now both in Gemini, a sign known more for its breadth than depth. Underneath the lighthearted social buzz are deeper power dynamics and strange murky feelings as Mars semi-squares Pluto and Venus enters impulsive Aries tonight.  Look for meaning underneath the words and keep eyes on the headlines.

Moon sextile Jupiter 1:19 AM, Moon trine Pluto 1:59 AM, Venus semi-square Uranus 2:14 AM, Moon sextile Venus for 12 AM, Moon enters Gemini 4:46 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury 9:04 AM, Venus enters Aries 10:10 AM, Mars semi-squares Pluto 8:49 PM.

Tuesday, May 3: Watch for sudden impulses over the next two days, make any shifts considered and proactive as Venus enters activating Aries. Jupiter sextiles Pluto and can liberate us from some trap or fear, and the talkative Gemini Moon helps us find the right words and consider possibilities.

Moon square Mars 8:41 AM, Jupiter sextile Pluto 4:33 PM, Sun semi-square Jupiter 8:28 PM.

Wednesday, May 4: Some imminent change brews as the Sun conjunct electrical Uranus. If there’s a change we want to make, these next few days are a good time to do so. Let’s not change more than is actually needed but get started on those essential renovations. This conjunction can spark strange electrical issues; work carefully with equipment. Practice self-care, and nurture others tonight as the Moon enters Cancer.

Moon trine Saturn 5:50 AM, Moon square Neptune 6:15 AM, Mars sextile Uranus 9:46 AM, Moon square Jupiter 2:36 PM, Moon enters Cancer 5:04 PM, Moon square Venus 10:56 PM.

Thursday, May 5: Two sides wrestle, one part wants to rest while the other wants to get the party started, but both sides want metamorphosis as the Sun conjuncts Uranus. Make considered and responsible difference. Break routine, move furniture, walk in another person’s shoes and see the situation from a different perspective.

Sun conjunct Uranus 1:21 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 11:13 PM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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