It’s the Pheasant


Treading along the gravel fringe
Between snowbank and pavement,
His red-and-gold-ringed neck like a halo,
That transforms the day’s errands
Over treacherous iced road, impatience
With laundromat washers and dryers
To complete their spins, the cold hands
On the gas pump, items on grocery store shelves
Costing more than you need them to

Into something like a sudden sunbeam:
A gushing gratitude for life.

– Debbie Trantow


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Debbie Trantow
After living most of her life in Chicago, Debbie K. Trantow returned to her rural Wisconsin roots, where she finds her spirituality by engaging with nature. She holds an MFA from the University of Minnesota and has been published in many literary magazines. Her chapbook, Hearing Turtle’s Words, was published by Spoon River Poetry Press. She’s taught English at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin. Currently she tutors troubled youth in Polk County, Wisconsin. More of her poems and photos can be found on Facebook.


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