Starcodes for the week of June 10-16, 2022
All things martial have been inflamed over the last few weeks as Mars conjunct Jupiter in feisty Aries. We’ll still feel that heated, adolescent energy through the weekend but may see that inflammation soften as the week progresses and Mars pulls farther away from Jupiter.
But first, the weekend begins intense and heavy with the weight of recent memories. Mercury trines Pluto and asks us to think deep and remember the recently departed in this time of gunshot and senate hearings. That trine, along with a brooding Scorpio Moon call us to remember, reassess, and work on all the deep issues of our life. A trine between Sun and Saturn and brings our minds to the concept of good disciplines and healthy boundaries.
All is not relentlessly heavy though, as a lighter, more flirtatious and creative note hums in the wind, a voice which can either be good medicine for these trying times- or get us in trouble. Along with those Scorpio primal emotions grows an interesting interpersonal spark as artistic and sensual Venus in earthy Taurus conjuncts electrical Uranus. This conjunction can spark our creativity and encourages us to feel fed by the beauty of the world around us. It can loan us the hope that we can possibly create beautiful and loving changes in the future. It can also strike romantic sparks, a meet-cute at the grocery store. It’s not just the trees that are pollinating.
The mood lightens Sunday night as the Moon enters upbeat Sagittarius, our minds are brought out of the local and into the national and international, we explore the global perspective particularly as that Moon hits full early Tuesday morning. Notice a wanderlust, may be time to travel, plan a trip, or contact friends in faraway places.
We could feel a new chapter beginning as Mercury enters its own sign of Gemini on Monday. Work beginning to pick up speed and our minds wind up to do what needs to be done. It will become easier to talk things out and reach out to new connections. We may be able to pick up where we left off about a month ago in our work or network. But our nervous system can also wind up, and anxiety won’t help us stay on target. Breathe, meditate for a few minutes, talk to the trees, and then come back to the task at hand.
The Moon then enters Capricorn late on Tuesday as the Sun trines Saturn and squares Neptune, we can get down to work become aware of the new responsibilities or further the important changes in the works. If some people try to control the situation because they are a little wound up or worried, let them have control over their own process, but not that of others.
Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay
Friday, June 10: Tend to practical and interpersonal work early on while the sociable Libra Moon trines competent Saturn. By midday we go deep and get distracted as the Moon enters Scorpio. Old memories come up, secrets get revealed, lost items are found, fresh wounds need attention, worries churn as Mercury trines Pluto; as our minds wander let’s make sure we balance our remembrance of pain with the search for joyful memories.
Moon trine Saturn 6:27 AM, Moon square Pluto 11:36 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 2:41 PM, Mercury trine Pluto 3:21 PM.
Saturday, June 11: It may be a wild and crazy time- but we could also sing the blues as that Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus and Venus. It may feel good to seek a change of scenery, move furniture, redecorate, buy new clothes, experiment and change the aesthetics around us. A friendly Gemini Sun flirtation and humor skims over deep Scorpio Moon primal emotions. Become aware of hidden feelings and drives within oneself and others, practice patience and be conscious and aboveboard in all interpersonal dealings.
Venus conjunct Uranus 4:57 PM, Moon opposes Uranus 7:05 PM, Moon opposes Venus 7:15 PM.
Sunday, June 12: Overnight practical concerns can turn into a spiritually active morning as the Moon trines Neptune. Midafternoon brings a spacy discombobulation, people may need to wander in their own direction for a while. After a possible misunderstanding or misdirection around teatime as the Moon opposes Mercury we can refocus with enthusiasm tonight as the Moon enters Sagittarius.
Moon square Saturn 8:44 AM, Moon trine Neptune 9:01 AM, Moon opposed Mercury 3:39 PM, Moon enters Sagittarius 4:31 PM.
Monday, June 13: The mood is restless and exploratory; let’s up our game and make new contacts as Mercury enters communicative Gemini as the Moon waxes towards full in Sagittarius. People are ready for change and we can be the one to help them direct and manifest that change. While their minds are open- don’t argue about the old way, instead focus on exploring new alternatives. Pitch a plan, make a statement, contact a new friend.
Moon trine Jupiter 1:25 AM, Mercury enters Gemini 9:26 AM, Moon trine Mars 4:05 PM, Moon trine Chiron 5:55 PM.
Tuesday, June 14: Our nerves can be jittery, like we’ve had too much coffee as the full Moon squares Neptune this morning at 5:51 AM MDT, so let’s breathe deep and reach into the calm. This full Moon can reveal new truths, but those truths may be overlaid with worry or imagination. Listen, but ask tough questions. Get some distance and look for the big picture, the global approach. This afternoon and evening as the Moon enters competent Capricorn, now we can turn that big picture into logical plans.
Moon opposed the Sun 5:51 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 8:37 AM, Moon square Neptune 8:55 AM, Mercury semi-square Chiron 1:36 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 4:13 PM.
Wednesday, June 15: Spend a few moments remembering long-term goals this morning, then get busy take a step in that direction under the competent Capricorn Moon. Watch out for misplaced frustration; notice what’s in the way of those goals, take personal responsibility for it and ask what needs to be healed, fixed, or repaired within to clear the way as Chiron conjuncts Mars.
Venus semi-square Jupiter 12:19 AM, Moon square Jupiter 1:21 AM, Mars conjunct Chiron 8:16 AM, Moon square Mars 5:49 PM, Moon trine Uranus 7:09 PM.
Thursday, June 16: Intuition mixes with emotion, but worries can sound real to us as and distorts our perception the Sun squares Neptune and trines Saturn. We may feel a deeper level of uncertainty about who we are but still be clear about what we need to do next. If that uncertainty bothers us, it furthers to temporarily back away from existential questions and bring our pragmatic competence to the table. We need to do what we’re good at doing and make no apologies about it, just make room for others to do the same. We become less goal oriented in the evening and grow more collaborative as the Moon enters Aquarius.
Sun trine Saturn 1:13 AM, Moon trine Venus 3:08 AM, Sun square Neptune 7:41 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 8:23 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 12:41 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 3:44 PM, Moon trine Mercury 8:29 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins