Starcodes week of June 24-30, 2022
This week the stars encourage us to get comfortable and seek comfort so we can more easily deal with change. But let’s not get superficial. We can feel unusually sensitive under this Cancer Sun the first full week after the summer solstice, but especially when we’re feeling touchy, we need to communicate cleanly and honestly. The planets encourage us to communicate straightforwardly about our needs and listen to others without an agenda. Let’s make sure everyone feels heard with Venus and Mercury in communicative Gemini.
We will really feel the need to communicate directly about our feelings rather than hide hurt or longing away behind a busy mind and shallow talk late Saturday through Monday as the Moon joins Venus and Mercury in Gemini. While three Gemini planets encourage us to communicate, our words can become like horses trying to get through the barn door so fast that they collide. Remember to take turns and keep the conversation a dialogue.
Take that conversation and turn it into action on Monday as Mercury sextiles Chiron and Mars sextile Saturn, giving us access to a healing competence. Though we may need to drop something that takes us off, forgive or refocus into purpose and work towards reparation, a process that will give us room for our own work. We can get stuff done without stepping on toes if we make the choice, we’ll have access to the tact and compassion we need to handle pragmatic logistics in a kind way.
The general mood shifts towards biological and extended family, to our thoughts of home and homeland on Tuesday under a New Moon in Cancer. This new Moon can create an emotional turning point, the beginning and the ending of some personal phase or chapter. Our feelings may flood us for a few days, we may feel unusually introverted or self-protective, and just need some safe time with our soul. If family issues arise and need attention, first let feelings flow through rather than read old stories into the present moment. If people are moody, they may need comfort and acceptance rather than for us to try to fix things just at this moment.
We will remember who was there for us in these tender times. This week may create a shift in friendships and relationships, even working partnerships as we notice who’s there for us and who’s not an adjust our plans accordingly.
Towards the end of the week Mars moves closer to a square with Pluto and our willfulness, temper, and desire intensifies. Now we’ll be ready for some new solutions. This challenging aspect can give us access extra energy to tackle problems or do what we really want to do, but let’s be careful what we do when we’re in a mood. Walk it off rather than take it out on one another.
Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay
Friday, June 24: Comfort and reassurance help us deal with changing circumstances as the Taurus Moon conjuncts Uranus midday. Good changes happen at a steady and solid pace. Act where the path is clear. Watch a tendency to and tell people what to do under stress; instead of getting bossy, encourage each person to make their own decisions. Tonight, if furthers to put a burden down and share with people close to the heart.
Moon conjunct Uranus 4:14 PM.
Saturday, June 25: Snuggle and listen this morning. Get right with the world, right with the garden and with each other as the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto midday. This afternoon the energy meanders and we may feel at loose ends, disconnected; enjoy the wander and keep expectations low. Tonight, gather, laugh, and tell stories as the Moon enters verbal Gemini. Just be honest and take turns.
Moon square Saturn 7:01 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 8:05 AM, Moon trine Pluto 1:02 PM, Moon enters Gemini 5:13 PM.
Sunday, June 26: On this nervy, talkative day we could get a bit hyper, overcompensate or overdo. Relax but engage. Talk, read, check out the buzz on social media, but sift it all for words of value. Underneath this busyness run more fundamental questions about what’s really needed, what we want, and how do we get to the real work. Take advantage of those social moments because good relationships can refill the wells and give us stamina for the long haul.
Moon conjunct Venus 1:02 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 7:26 AM.
Monday, June 27: Although it may be hard to concentrate as our minds flit from topic to topic, we get a chance to fix things and pursue some goals as Mercury sextiles Chiron and Mars sextile Saturn. Take a light but determined approach. Make proposals and talk over logistics. Doorways open but we still have to choose to walk through them. Tonight our brains may need some time off, room to drift and dream as the Moon squares Neptune.
Moon conjunct Mercury 1:21 AM, Mercury sextile Chiron 5:46 AM, Mars sextile Saturn for 20 6 PM, Moon trine Saturn 7:23 PM, Moon sextile Mars 7:34 PM, Moon square Neptune 8:36 PM.
Tuesday, June 28: Our mental gears downshift and our hearts come online as the Moon enters Cancer. Thoughts turn to chosen family and we contemplate what makes a safe. It’s a good day to tell stories and review the past, then, as the New Moon pivots tonight at 8:52 PM MDT, square Jupiter, and as Neptune retrogrades while Venus sextile Jupiter- begin a new interpersonal cycle. Contemplate what do we want to liberate in this next cycle, what we want to expand, and where we need to pare down, and where can we bring in more beauty and connection.
Neptune retrogrades 1:54 AM, Moon enters Cancer 5:53 AM, Sun square Jupiter 6:59 PM, Moon square Jupiter 8:43 PM, Moon conjunct the Sun 8:52 PM, Venus sextile Jupiter 9:51 PM.
Wednesday, June 29: The heart can be open tender, so let’s make sure that we stay honest but actually say (not just think) any positive feelings we have. Tell people we love them or say they did a good job. We need to also be kind to ourselves and work through any resentment towards people who look like they’ve got more going on. Let’s work on growing own lives instead. Consider reaching out to help soothe the woes of others and watch how that changes the quality of our own life.
Moon sextile Uranus 5:48 PM.
Thursday, June 30: this morning let’s clear the decks and get organized. Get ready to deal with potentially bumpy moments or minor accidents this afternoon as the Moon squares Mars, opposes Pluto and enters Leo. Strong emotional torque or some people’s bad mood just needs to be walked off, not fixed. We can direct this energy carefully if we are alert, mindful, and physically active. And playful.
Moon trine Neptune 9:27 AM, Moon square Mars 12:16 PM, Moon opposed Pluto 2:13 pm, Moon enters Leo 6:39 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins