Tofte Sunrise


It’s cold outside as I prepare myself in the darkness.
Staying in bed would be so much better I think.
It can wait, the sun will come up again tomorrow.
Then a voice comes to me, why are you here?
A part deep inside stirs, it knows why.
Now I move with purpose and determination.
Will it be worth it? Will I make it in time?
The air is cold and calm as I stand on the shore.
My skin is growing numb, but I barely notice.
I see the first glimmer and glow as it begins.
I’m ready, I think. I’m ready to see it.
But seeing is only part of the magick.
Moment by moment it reveals itself.
It is much more than I could have imagined.
The beauty of nature, given freely for us.
All we need do is accept and witness.
The Grace and Love of the Universe.

– Dwight J. Raatz


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Dwight Raatz
Dwight Raatz identifies as a highly sensitive person (HSP) and intuitive empath. Dwight is an author, personal guide, and consultant. He draws upon all aspects of his career and personal journey to connect and walk alongside others. It’s in this connection where we help each other to truly know ourselves and help to achieve our goals in life. He and his wife live in Delano, Minnesota. Check out his site or contact him at or 612-269-6578.



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