Poem on the Meaning of Time


Dates are a form of language
The conquest of time
Stuck and frozen in boxes

Knowing the unknown
Is this always an act of ignorance?

Can knowing the unknown also be an act of Humility?

Is time ever knowable?

Sure it is 11:16 am on October 30, 2018
But does this detail define and limit the moment?

Where is my choice?
Celebration of the living moments


Poem on the Meaning of Time image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay


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Laura Hedlund
Laura Hedlund, host Food Freedom Radio https://www.am950radio.com/events/food-freedom-radio. Laura envisions a food system respectful of water, soil, planet and people. We work towards a historic transformation. How do we move from food production being a source of economic, social and ecological destruction? How do we move towards a food system which is a source of clean water, healthy soil, and a toxin-free environment?


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