Starcodes: August 5–11

Starcodes for the week of August 5–11, 2022

Laze in the summer’s heat when you can because it may be busy week. The emotional winds pick up, we may be unusually productive but could have to deal with frustrations, whether because people aren’t available, mechanics break down, or fires and unexpected events churn the landscape as Saturn squares Mars and Uranus in Taurus. Savor each ripe tomato, each sweet moment in between.

Our minds sharpen with mental Mercury now in intelligent Virgo, and this can help us solve those problems with great ingenuity if we stop worrying and stay focused on solutions. Let’s not let our frustrations stop us but instead slow us down and help us think. Mercury in Virgo also asks us to think ahead to September and start planning between moments in the shade sipping iced tea.

Back to those emotional winds, with sensitive Venus in deep-feeling Cancer opposed Pluto this week we may deal with loss or miss old friends, long for a relationship that is just out of reach or feel our heart twinge towards something other than what we have. We may need to grieve a changing ecosystem or a more personal loss; this is a good week to let those feelings flow. Let that twinge pull us out of isolation or complacency and make the changes we need to reconnect.

The weekend begins potentially exciting or stormy as the Moon in Scorpio opposes Mars and Uranus, so keep an eye on wildfire, storms, and stormy people. This tension could act out in a big way on the world screen or moments when karma comes home to sting. Throughout the early weekend some will feel tension between personal responsibilities and desires and need to figure out a responsible way to achieve those personal goals.

Saturday afternoon the Moon enters more flexible Sagittarius and, if we can stand the heat, let’s get outside. The next couple of days will feel so much better if we can connect to the natural world and have a summer moment.

Midweek that Capricorn Moon pulls us back into competition, accomplishment, and nudges towards projects coming up in the fall. Sketch out some ideas and make a few overtures.

Thursday brings a most socially-connecting full Moon in Aquarius, a wonderful time to howl and gather with the community. This full moon in Aquarius brings one of the best times of the year to have a party or gather a caucus.

Image by Casey Horner from Unsplash

Friday, August 5: A strong willful torque and muscular emotions arise under that deep Scorpio Moon. Some people will just want to wrestle, so will some machinery and other practical things. Possessiveness, jealousy, retribution all swirl in the depths. Instead of testing one another or getting pushy, it furthers to become ingenious and inventive. The mood shifts late tonight towards a more gracious peacefulness as the Moon trines Venus.

Moon square Sun 5:06 AM, Venus quincunx Saturn 10:23 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 3:13 AM, Moon opposes Mars 7:37 PM, Moon square Saturn 9:46 PM, Moon trine Venus 10:56 PM.

Saturday, August 6: Morning starts off subdued and willful, but the day gains a generous spirit as the Moon enters Sagittarius and approaches a trine Jupiter midday. Notice a more extroverted and active, busy and connected energy, though with a slightly self-critical undertone as the moon squares Mercury in Virgo around dinnertime; watch a tendency to overthink and second-guess ourselves. Be kind, particularly towards those attempting a new effort or skill.

Moon trine Neptune 2:07 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 10:38 AM, Moon squares Mercury 6:18 PM.

Sunday, August 7: Engage a potentially magical day as Venus trines Neptune, blessings flow but we need to work to make it so. Engage. Look for him moments of soul connection or understanding, romance in the air, but don’t blow it out of proportion. Stay present. Along with visions, spirit, creativity, and unusual moments of connection we need to wrangle logistical difficulties and follow through on responsibilities. See the vision, enjoy the fun, and be willing to do the work as Mars squares Saturn. Be careful around construction, don’t take short cuts.

Moon trine Jupiter 1:11 AM, Venus trine Neptune 10:43 AM, Moon trine Sun 12:21 PM, Mars square Saturn 1:56 PM.

Monday, August 8: Take it slow, take an extra minute watching hummingbirds or sipping coffee this morning. The mood grows industrious midday as the Moon enters productive Capricorn. Get busy but watch a tendency to push others around when insecure or frustrated. Keep intentions clear. Gives room for an ambient sadness or longing, let melancholic undertones nurture compassion as Venus opposes Pluto tonight.

Moon sextile Saturn 12:11 AM, Moon square Neptune 4:30 AM, Moon enters Capricorn 12:38 PM, Sun trine Chiron 2 PM, Venus opposed Pluto 11:17 PM.

Tuesday, August 9: People can get difficult or just being a mood, some have a good reason and that needs to be addressed, others need a workaround rather than competition or confrontation as Mars semi-squares Jupiter. Tend to the issue rather than try to jolly them out of it. Things start to flow and we can better see the humor in it all later on as the Moon trine Uranus.

Moon trine Mercury 1:55 AM, Moon square Jupiter 2:24 AM, Mercury quincunx Jupiter 7:05 AM, Mars semi-square Jupiter 7:26 AM, Moon trine Uranus 7 PM.

Wednesday, August 10: We could get a fresh understanding of what works, what doesn’t, and what we want to do about it as the Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Let’s not generalize or think we know the whole picture but do get specific about what needs action now. Afternoon brings a more upbeat perspective and cooperative helpfulness under a collaborative Aquarius Moon.

Moon trine Mars 3:12 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 4:45 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 7:44 AM, Moon opposed Venus 10:39 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 12:44 PM.

Thursday, August 11: A wildcard: we could just feel anxious, feel wild and crazy, or prepare to make an important shift as the Sun squares change-inducing Uranus. Look at the situation from a different perspective. Possibilities abound. Midday Venus enters Leo and can help us express our affection and our story- and talk to strangers. Tonight’s Aquarius full Moon at 7:35 MDT makes it a night to celebrate community. Start a party.

Moon sextile Jupiter 2:08 AM, Sun square Uranus 6:53 AM, Venus enters Leo 12:30 PM, Mars sextiles Neptune 3:44 PM, Moon opposes Sun 7:35 PM, Moon opposes Saturn 11:55 PM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins




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