Embrace Positive Change this Fall Season


The fall season has arrived in all its splendor. Many of us welcome fresh, autumn days with the crisp colored leaves crunchy at our feet. We love snuggling into our cozy woolly sweaters while we head out to the nearest pumpkin patch or local fall fair. Honesty, who can resist savoring a pumpkin spiced latte while partaking in the absolute beauty of a brisk fall day?

This season is all about change which can be found not only in nature’s transformation but deep within ourselves.

Most of us create new changes in the fall season as it seems to be embedded in our psyche. This is due to the deep-seated habits that were formed when we were very young. Every time a change occurs in our lives we have the opportunity to escape that dreaded ‘comfort zone’ and continue to grow. Bob Proctor once told me “being in a comfort zone is a very bad place to be”. Bob was a very wise man.

Breaking out of a comfort zone is difficult as we do tend to resist change.  There seems to be an innate anxiety that takes place whenever we deviate from the ‘norm,’ whether it is a child just starting their first day of elementary school, a student beginning their academic studies or an adult embarking on a brand-new career. Embracing change isn’t just about academics. It is any situation that challenges us to do and be something more than we already are. Our lives would become stagnant from a lack of growth otherwise. It takes a lot of determination to finally release the ‘familiar’ and a seemingly secure situation to embrace something new. To challenge and conquer the unknown.

It was October 2020 when my 25 yr old son came bursting into the kitchen while I was making dinner. He excitedly announced he was going to skydive. I’m not sure how long it took him to finally feel ‘comfortable’ with that idea but I’m betting it took awhile. To add insult to injury a week later my 20 year old daughter decided she was going to jump as well!

For all those parents reading this article I’m sure you can relate to the worry and negative emotions that were going thru my mind imagining the very worse scenario. After A LOT of struggle with my emotions, I eventually took hold of my thinking and began to visualize a perfect day for them to jump. I saw their exalted happy faces as they landed safely to the ground which was exactly what happened. What I found interesting is even though I was not the one jumping I physically & mentally went thru almost the same stress & fear my kids experienced and yet my feet were firmly planted on the ground.

You need courage to break thru your fears. Many people go thru their entire lives never stepping out of their comfort zones. If you are afraid of change understand that fear is merely a mental obstacle that disappears the moment you decide to step forward and take action. By doing so you’ll get in the ‘habit’ of breaking thru those challenges and therefore can begin to adapt to further change. This is such an important life’s lesson, one I’m happy my kids learned early in life. I continue to adapt to life’s changes in a myriad of ways even though it may have felt uncomfortable at the time. Break thru your fears & experience the exhilaration of personal growth. Go back to school, invest in yourself by studying personal development, take a night class, enjoy a new hobby and re-commit to an exercise routine. The health & maintenance of your body is just as important as the development of your mind.

I certainly am not suggesting you all go jump out of plane to conquer your fears! Personally, you would have to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer before I would willingly jump 13,000 feet to the ground.  If you are going to embrace change then make a firm commitment to do so because the perfect time is NOW! While you are contemplating that next big change enjoy a brisk walk out in the fall sunshine and remember to pick up a pumpkin spiced latte to savour on your way.

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Lori Gradley
International writer & Mindset Coach, Lori Gradley, has over 35 years experience in personal development. She owns a motivational company, Splendid Inspiration offering online wellness courses, individual coaching sessions and inspiring blogs to help empower people so they can live abundant, happier lives. She is also the Author of “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind” a new wellness book that is a step by step roadmap helping people tap into their inner strength. By doing so they can overcome the obstacles in life by harnessing the power of their mind to achieve personal and professional success. Find our more at www.lorigradley.com


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