

Rest with me
In this moment,
As a leaf
Floats gently down stream,
Among diamonds of sunlight
Returning to the sky.

Stay in these moments,
As the morning mist
Floats above the surface
Of the lush, green meadows,
On the far side of the stream.

Stay and listen
To the morning song,
Bringing music
To the silence,
A prelude gifted
To the rising sun.

Walk with me
On my journey,
We will talk
Of forgiveness
And peace.


Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Chris Roe
Chris Roe was born and still lives in Norfolk, England. He is 66 years of age and individual poems have been published in magazines and on websites around the world. In 2008 he self-published a collection of poems entitled “In Search of Silence,” which is available from his website at www.silentflightpublications.co.uk.


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