New Beginnings Heal


If you are wanting and praying for something new in your life to happen, October’s vibrational new 10-energy will amp up your opportunity to make it happen. October being the tenth month of the year brings the 1-creative vibrational energy plus the all things are possible 0-God vibrational energy together. When you get clear on what you want to create, magic happens.

Last month September’s 9-vibrational energy was helping you let go of mental, emotional, and physical issues and items you no longer needed in your life. When you let go of something it creates space for something new to come into your life. Why? Aristotle and Thoreau both stated that “Nature abhors a vacuum”. Example: if you have a clear plot of ground, it will soon be filled with weeds and the like all by itself!

Now that October is here, you have a great opportunity to plant your intentions for a new beginning into this new space you have created. New beginnings are powerful ways to heal your past. In August this year you were learning the art and science of manifesting. If you need a refresher on this skill, please go you to my website and reacquaint yourself with this skill. New beginnings carry a lot of excitement for you almost like waiting for Santa when you were a kid on Christmas eve.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Here are a few ideas to get you started when you have a desire to begin something new.

  1. Know your why! Too often a common practice is to identify something that you can see, feel, touch, and experience that you believe would make you happy. However, if you can identify why you believe that would make you happy, you will achieve better results. The key here is to identify your passion energies that are encouraging you start something new. You can do this by going to our website and take our assessment for true results that have been tested and proven to be accurate.
  2. Identify your dream with a visual like a colored photo, drawing, or picture. This is a valuable practice, because when you engage your brain with a visual you are doubling your chances to bring your dream into this 3D world sooner.
  3. You must become a catalyst with activities, actions, and feelings to energize your dream. This happens when you identify your “to do” list of actions and activities along with identifying your feelings that will occur as your dream begins to take shape as it manifests your results. This practice will give you measurable milestones to track your successes.

Remember 2022 has an energy vibration of 6 to heal and this month October is a 10 vibrational energy. When these two energies merge 6 + 10 = 16 known as the karmic 16/7 vibration. When you do these exercises of new beginnings, it will awaken deeper memories to help you. Remember, you are a creative spiritual being having a human experience.

Wes Hamilton master numerologist


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Wes Hamilton
Wes Hamilton brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight regarding important decisions. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or [email protected] and visit


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