Starcodes: September 2-8


Starcodes for the week of September 2-8, 2022

Rest from labors this Labor Day weekend while the Sagittarius Moon encourages picnics and sociability, a good hike, and all outdoor efforts. On Labor Day itself, take a break from paid gigs and work on a personal project under an industrious Capricorn Moon. Use that momentum to improve the nest or engage some enthusiastic avocation. Work for balance, for quality of life.

The ambitious Capricorn Moon takes us into the week, it helps us sharpen pencils and get back into the fall groove. May hay while the sun shines, this early productivity can set us in a good direction this fall. Watch for clues about ambition, our own secret ambitions—so secret we may not know it ourselves. As well as more global ambitions – notice chess pieces moving on the world stage.

Midweek an interpersonally curious Aquarius Moon encourages team building and helps us understand our work culture or help us find new allies, new friends at school, and strengthen our network. Don’t expect cuddliness, it’s not a personal time but it is a good collective time.

Use that Aquarius moon to strengthen goodwill mid-week as Mercury turns retrograde next Friday for the next three weeks. With mental Mercury retrograde we can review, reconnect, and work on project we already have lined up, but it will be tricky to launch new work. Expect to wrestle with technical snags or delays even though they may prove beneficial in the long run. Old problems we though had been solved, now circle back around for the next layer of work. Projects we shelved last year may now need our full attention. The more understanding and goodwill we have going in, the more we can work together and laugh at the slapstick. Use the glitches as bonding experiences rather than get exasperated.

As Mercury appears to slow down to retrograde this week, the squirrels are already beginning to come out of the woodwork. Strange thoughts and weird mishaps begin to proliferate, so stay grounded and healthy, and exercise good self-care. Self-care is always on the front burner this time of year while the Sun resides in Virgo.

Clear the decks for Mercury retrograde: pay bills, get the syllabus shaped out, and straighten out misunderstandings wherever possible. Get the plans sketched out and stay flexible. Fix car and computer problems. Check in with friends who feel easily overwhelmed or are facing complicated situations and help them deal with one problem at a time. Mercury turns retrograde for 3 weeks, three times a year; it can be an eventful, sometimes frustrating, often surprisingly productive time. We got this.

Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay

Friday, September 2: Overnight serious aspects could tinge our dreams or stir powerful events and conversations. Just know we may be feeling the collective sigh over the world’s woes instead of glitches in our personal story under this serious Scorpio Moon. Quiet has depth. The mood lightens later in the day as the Moon enters mobile Sagittarius and Mercury opposes Jupiter. Engage the healing power of radical honesty, laughter, and connection with the natural world.

Moon square Saturn 12:02 AM, Venus quincunx Pluto 12:33 AM, Moon trine Neptune 6:52 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 10:22 AM, Moon square Venus 11:21 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 4:39 PM, Mercury opposed Jupiter 7:49 PM.

Saturday, September 3: Make this a real weekend; travel locally, laugh, connect, and commune with nature. Use the humorous Sagittarius Moon to lighten up, garden or hike, or engage some cultural center. It’s a great weekend to travel, acclimatize to a new environment, get to know new people, or just play and prepare. Just watch words around a midday cranky spell.

Moon trine Jupiter for 10 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 4:36 AM, Moon opposes Mars 6:22 AM, Moon square the Sun 12:07 PM.

Sunday, September 4: Keep the agenda light; though the Moon trine Venus and brings goodwill, expect some technical complications or disorganization. Be playful about making group decisions, everyone has different ideas so it may be easier to take turns works than strive for consensus. Have some good deep conversations and talk over future work tonight as the Moon enters industrious Capricorn and Venus enters perceptive Virgo.

Moon sextile Saturn 3:49 AM, Moon square Neptune 10:32 AM, Moon trine Venus 7:50 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 8:02 PM, Venus enters Virgo 10:05 PM.

Monday, September 5: Make a project, work on the land, fix a tree, get organized in a personal way as the industrious Capricorn Moon squares activating Jupiter and Mercury. We’ll want to see substantial progress on our pet projects. Just measure twice before cutting once; prioritize safety and quality work, not speed.

Moon square Jupiter 6:44 AM, Moon square Mercury 9:21 AM, Moon trine Sun 6:24 PM.

Tuesday, September 6: We’re too aware of all the work that needs to be done as the Moon conjunct Pluto early in the morning, the trick will to be to- instead of getting discouraged- be encouraged and map out a plan. This afternoon it can be hard to finalize anything, to bring it to conclusion or to make the final decision, but we can get a lot of work done in between.

Moon trine Uranus 3:23 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 12:21 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 1:42 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 9:41 PM.

Wednesday, September 7: Team-building, corporate culture, those are not just clichés as the collective Aquarius Moon forms a grand trine with Mercury and Mars in communicative and sociable air signs. Make a new friend. Focus on group dynamics and forgive people if they ‘re a bit dense closer to home. We can see what the community needs even as we accidentally stand upon the toes nearby.

Moon sextile Jupiter 7:44 AM, Moon trine Mercury 11:47 AM, Moon trine Mars to 12 PM.

Thursday, September 8: We may need to revise any plan we make in the weeks ahead, but it is important to make those provisional plans anyway. Hold on the final decisions but clarify what’s needed to make those decisions. Clear the decks and get as organized as possible. Emotions moved to the front burner as the Moon enters Pisces tonight.

Moon square Uranus 4:25 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 6:33 AM, Moon enters Pisces 10:42 PM


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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