Difficult Women


As I stand at the foot of my ill father’s bed
I see a man who ran a wash and asphalt plant
At the age of 12 years old
I am in awe of him
What were you doing at 12 years old?

He didn’t finish all his schooling
Although he accomplished great feats and heights
He successfully ran his own construction business
In partnership with my Mom
Both from little towns

No formal college education
Rather life experience
I have always been proud to call him “Dad”
As I see this feeble man lying in his hospital bed
Waiting for test results and bed pan

I know the true man he is
As it has shaped me
Into the woman I am today
A hard working, loyal, dependable woman
Who can stand up for herself

Unfortunately those who don’t want to see that
Will say I am confrontational
As my role model, Jane Goodall, states
“It is actually doesn’t take much to be considered a difficult woman
that’s why there are so many of us”

If by difficult they mean….
Seeking peace, not war,
Communication instead of insult,
Appreciation not disrespect,
Helping others not holding back, then,

“Yes, I am a difficult woman
And proud of it!”

The Path image by Hudson Hintze from Unsplash


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Maria Lisa Polegatto
Maria Lisa Polegatto grew up and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she works full time. To rest and relax she loves to retreat into nature and spend time with animals enjoying the magic that surrounds us. Contact Maria Lisa at www.marialisapolegatto.com.


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