How Women Can Recognize Their Innate Self-Worth


Watch as Ana and correspondent for The Edge Jurema Silva discuss the MeToo movement and how Ana became an “Architect of mind, body and spirit”. Hear how Ana made the pivotal decision to leave her profession as an architect to follow her heart and pursue her own path as a feminine leadership coach and intuitive mentor. She now focuses her time on supporting women, believing female empowerment and support creates a ripple of growth through their families and communities.

Watch more of Jurema’s interviews and follow The Edge Network on YouTube

Ana is offering a complementary 20-minute phone consultation for members of The Edge community. Message Ana from her Instagram account @iamanapaulamunoz and visit her website

Schedule a speaking engagement or appointment with Jurema at or contact 320-260-7305 and

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Jurema Silva
Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who has been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Thirty years ago, she brought to the U.S. a rich and diverse spiritual knowledge, resulting in an original approach to healing and counseling. Jurema is one of the most celebrated spiritual leaders in the upper Midwest. A session with Jurema is transformative, uplifting and breathtaking. Schedule your session for an Intuitive Readings/Spiritual Counseling or Distant Guided Brazilian Healing today.


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