Reiki and the Balancing of Yin & Yang


In May 2021, I attended an all-day psychic and healing fair in Minneapolis. I had a 50-minute Reiki session with one of the practitioners, and toward the end of the session, I received a vision. I wasn’t expecting a vision because I focused on letting go and relaxing my mind.

I received the vision toward the end of the session, and I could feel the importance of the message. In my mind, I saw a purple, three-dimensional triangle from my heart chakra to my third-eye chakra and then out in front of me. The apex (tip) pointed outward about 12-inches from my neck area.

Since the vision, I’ve been working on what the message means to me. The basic meaning that I received is to connect my heart chakra to my third-eye chakra to see the truth. So, my first step in my truth-seeking adventure is to learn more about the triangle and the chakra system.

The triangle is a significant figure of mathematics, sacred geometry, and symbology. My studies brought me to the concept of the trinity. I could have explored the trinity from my Catholic upbringing, but a friend recommended a book. This book opened my eyes to understanding the ancient trinity, which led me to the concept of yin and yang.

Yin and yang are Chinese concepts of universal forces. All things are an eternally flowing interaction of two opposites, and the goal is to achieve balance and unity. The book The Jesus Sutras: Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity by Martin Palmer led me to understand the principles of yin and yang.

According to Taoism, the trinity is yin, yang, and qi. “Yin and yang are the core building blocks of the cosmos,” Palmer said. “And qi is the original breath with which we are all born.”

Taoism also states the twin forces are yin and yang. They are the same but different. Palmer says, “The stone spells out the Chinese belief that when yin and yang were created, the lighter vapors of yang rose to form Heaven and the sun, the heavier vapors of yin sank to form the Earth and the moon. The yang sun creates the day, and the yin moon creates the night.”

The seven chakras can balance the yin and yang in the body. The left side is feminine energy in the body, and the right side is masculine energy in the body. The chakras connect both sides.

Liz Simpson, the author of The Book of Chakra Healing, says a good place to start balancing the yin and yang energies is at the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) and the root chakra (Muladhara). Our tribal energy resides at the sacral and root chakras – it is here we can connect with our ancestors, heal our relationships, and work with our fears.

According to Simpson, when the chakra maintains equilibrium and spins at the correct vibrational speed, it becomes balanced. The balanced root chakra creates high physical energy, groundedness, and a healthy body. The balanced sacral chakra encourages expressiveness and creativity.

I have worked extensively with the chakra system in the last two years. The chakras are doorways to higher consciousness, personal freedom, and spiritual liberation. These energetic wheels can heal you, balance the yin and yang in your body, and connect you with the limitless energy of the Universe.

When I connect my heart chakra with my third-eye chakra, I see the truth. I am so grateful to the Spirit of Reiki for guiding me all these years. With love in our hearts, may we bring balance into the world.


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Gina M. Gafford
Gina M. Gafford is an author, Certified Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Registered Yoga Teacher, and Photographer. Gina has a master’s degree in Holistic Health Studies. She loves to travel, and in 2015 she traveled to India to study Ayurveda, meditation, and yoga. She lives in Minnesota, and you can contact her at Please visit her blog at


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