It’s the final moments in the movie/play/book/story where all of the loose ends come together. Navigating a roller coaster of events from birth to death we hope, at least, that in the end it all makes sense. Love. Gratitude. Celebration. Generosity. Feeling it, growing it, sharing it. That’s about as close as we can get to the meaning of life. Am I wrong? I sure feel that as truth, anyway. I guess that’s what I’ve learned from, and continue to learn from, life.
And it is here, at the end of the circle of the year with our last New Moon before Solstice, exact at 4:57 pm CST in Sagittarius, where we are encouraged to synthesize our years’ experience into something… meaningful.
We’ve been through a lot. We have chosen to exist. That takes incredible courage! We have found our unique and authentic path through a world wanting us to go ITS way. We have dreamed and imagined. We awoke and blazed our trail in the world, and we have brought things into manifestation. We have explored with child-like curiosity and may have even found some healing! We have celebrated and we have cleaned-up afterward. We have found a moment of peace here and there as we may have faced our mortality… and here we are now.
Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay
This New Moon is a time to reflect on what it has been all about, what the meaning of it all is, and how to allow aspects of that meaning to form a moral and existential framework.
But I guess that’s the trick, isn’t it? Synthesizing our life experience into wisdom isn’t as easy as boiling water. We can get stuck at any moment in the play. Our protagonist-self can make a less thoughtful move resulting in more trauma-drama. Courage may not be so forthcoming, and that child-like curiosity can be something we would love to reclaim. Healing? Nah. Shadow experience can result in the formation of meaning, as well. We can become cynical. We can form beliefs which are incongruent to anything we consider love and generosity to look like. We can choose to look through the shadow…and form a religion around it.
Yet, it is with this New Moon, as the day length decreases more and more until solstice, that we are asked to choose to see the Light. It is now, after the apparent death of Scorpio Season, where we are asked to find the wisdom of it all in SPITE of the Darkness. What light can we glean from ANY shadow experience we have had this year? What wisdom can we extract from ANY event, good or bad? How can we compare whatever we have learned to those words like love, gratitude, celebration, and generosity? From this enlightened wisdom, we can have the unfailing optimism of faith, especially if it’s your birthday. This is the reason for the season, to find an unfailing faith. Set the intention of synthesizing the experiences of this year into something meaningful, wise, and beautiful. Then, it really is, all good.
– Courtesy of Evolutionary Astrology with Ryan Evans
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