Poem of Narrative


Without spelling – words are jumbled

Without ability to be known, seen

Without narrative – without illusion

There is no unconscious

Yet the conscious minds hold

Mistake on intention

Or Unintentional error?

Superiority is Reckless

Humility is Sound

Freedom from drama

Yet as a child – how do I be –

As Shakespeare spoke to be or not To Be

Yet mind, body molded

Not by Love

But by Fear

The soul hides in the recesses

Conditioning is an arranging of Alphabets

Lost in moments of memories

Oh to be a writer

To design the letters

In a way understood by all

That is what God Dreams of

The narration of emptiness seen


Poem of Narrative image by ractapopulous from Pixabay


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Laura Hedlund
Laura Hedlund, host Food Freedom Radio https://www.am950radio.com/events/food-freedom-radio. Laura envisions a food system respectful of water, soil, planet and people. We work towards a historic transformation. How do we move from food production being a source of economic, social and ecological destruction? How do we move towards a food system which is a source of clean water, healthy soil, and a toxin-free environment?


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