Starcodes: November 4-10

Starcodes for the week of November 4–10, 2022

We need extra time alone to go deep, listen to our sources, and find inner stability with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus now in Scorpio. Many of us could use a few extra moments of solitude or in meditation, a chance to turn inwards instead of feeling caught in the crossfire of election season’s nervous buzz, we’ll feel tired and overextended if we don’t get it.

But the world needs our engagement right now, the planets also infuse us with an urgent need to feel like we’re doing what we can to turn the world in a good direction. That last solar eclipse at 2 degrees of Scorpio on Oct 25, and a coming lunar eclipse on Nov 8- election day, send shivers through the world. An eclipse series resonates for months, they can precipitate over-due action, unstick what’s stuck, or temporarily shut the light out. Between the solar eclipse October 25 and this lunar eclipse we might have to let go of a person, pet, a limitation or idea we’ve been holding and sit in the dark for a minute before the new chapter begins.

Emotional steadiness will be most valuable in any situation this week, so do whatever is needed to support that inner calm as Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces, approaches Neptune, and leaves us extra permeable. We can feel the collective sighs, woes, and cheers in any crowd and feel influenced by the general psychic milieu. We could absorb enthusiasm at a game, shared joy at a concert, or worry as the polls closed. Notice all the ways we swim in our collective soup. This permeability can make families bounce off one another, crowds more dangerous, and our collective anxiety around the elections – whatever our opinion- vibrate. We need to turn up the volume on our own internal voice.

The Scorpionic focus can bring out our morbid side or the side that wants to bravely face our worst-case scenario and see if we can survive it, it can also help us deal with any tough reality we run into. Scorpio wakes up around a challenge and can help us shake off denial. But we must want to get honest. Otherwise, that Scorpio focus can make it easier to get lost down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theory or obsession if we just look for validation of our opinions instead of the truth.

As Friday begins- keep the personal filters up because we could be extra absorptive and potentially worried under a sensitive Pisces Moon. The day ends on a fierce, brave note as the Moon enters Aries for a busy, active, loud, engaged, and potentially contentious weekend ahead.

The Moon waxes towards a stubborn, potentially transformative Full Moon- lunar eclipse in Taurus early on Tuesday, a Full Moon which both conjuncts Uranus and oppose that Scorpio Sun, Venus, and Mercury. Emotions may run high and hot—but the Taurus Moon brings in a craving for the rule of law and calls people to steadiness and stability. With the eclipse in the predawn hours of voting day, we could be in the dark about the results until later and be hit with some real surprises, but we do not have a clear view of which direction those surprises head. Luckily this eclipse is softened by that conjunction with Venus which both brings more compassion to the scene but also amps up the general emotional volume.

Through the rest of the week everyone needs to talk, share opinions, no matter how shallow or profound under a verbal Gemini Moon. Let’s check our facts. We can put energy into the system, not just take it out- so let’s put our vision, calm and hope into that collective soup.

Friday, November 4: Early morning conflicts or tension possible as the Moon squares Mars, watch words. We’ll feel uncertain and permeable, which could be lovely for tender moments, but can leave us easily overwhelmed- fearing the worst or best- as the tender Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune and Jupiter. Create a pool of calm in this otherwise uncertain time, and vision good possibilities. Look for opportunities to keep the heart open. The fire and rebellion rises tonight as the Moon enters activated Aries.

Moon conjunct Neptune 4:33 AM MDT, Moon square Mars 9:02 AM MDT, Moon sextile Pluto 10:33 AM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 4:05 PM, Moon enters Aries 5:06 PM.

Saturday, November 5: People can act out under stress, notice volatile feelings, enthusiasm, worries, low on impulse control. Moods change, but not opinions. Our hearts can be swayed as Venus opposes Uranus, but negative campaigning or smack-talking will backfire. We need to do something with this extra restless feeling- direct it wisely so the moods just don’t bounce off the walls or off each other.

Sun quincunx Chiron 2:56 AM 4:08 PM, Venus opposed Uranus 4:21 PM.

Sunday, November 6: Take care of one another; the present volatility and life’s wear and tear can activate our sore points as the Moon squares Pluto early on. We’ll feel better if we’ve made a difference. A new stability seeps in as the Moon enters taurus tonight but also brings a potentially difficult territorial streak. Have compassion and don’t borrow trouble from the future.

Moon sextile Saturn 1:43 AM, Chiron quincunx Mercury 7:34 AM, Moon sextile Mars 1:29 PM, Moon square Pluto 3:29 PM, Moon enters Taurus 10:14 PM.

Monday, November 7: Steady work is the best therapy as the Moon waxes towards full in Taurus and Venus squares Saturn. Don’t worry, do the work instead. Yes, relationships can feel like a lot of work, but work can be our love language, whether we’re working for a candidate, job, or beloved. And it steadies the soul. Stay in the present and work towards a better future.

Venus square Saturn 12:33 AM.

Tuesday, November 8: Wildcards fly as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury conjunct and oppose the Moon and Uranus for a complicated full Moon lunar eclipse. A few people may get fully unhinged and we could wonder at the thought-process of the scriptwriter for this day. Technical complications can obfuscate-Expect the unexpected towards evening as Mercury opposes Uranus. Let’s work toward stability and a stronger future whatever happens today, and believe that good is possible.

Moon opposes Mercury 3:43 AM, Moon opposes Sun, partial lunar eclipse 4:02 AM, Moon conjunct Uranus 5:47 AM, Moon square Saturn 9:19 AM, Sun conjunct Mercury 9:42 AM, Moon opposed Venus 12:50 PM, Moon sextile Neptune 4:54 PM, Mercury opposes Uranus 7:39 PM, Moon trine Pluto 11:38 PM.

Wednesday, November 9: Check the headlines this morning, the Sun opposes change-inducing Uranus and could expose surprising news. As the Moon enters Gemini the conversation spins, the talking heads talk, and everything will be considered eight ways to Sunday. Look for the facts underneath the flow, look for facts that contradict our own opinion but can give us a solid bedrock to build upon.

Sun opposes Uranus 1:26 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 5 AM, Moon enters Gemini 6:36 AM.

Thursday, November 10: Begin a new chapter as a hard-working, intelligent, Mercury-Saturn square stirs worry but helps get us organized. Respond with personal authority but be thoughtful about taking on obligations. When people are worried, tend to their hearts rather than try to change the minds. Tune into a wave of affection, idealism, and gratitude lurking in the background as Venus also trine Neptune,

Mercury opposes Saturn 12:51 AM, Venus trine Neptune 5:22 AM, Moon trine Saturn 7:21 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins




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